因此,北京米赫医疗器械有限责任公司MicroKPro历经多年的不断创新与努力终于开发了米赫人工角膜(MICOF)。 米赫人工角膜是由非生物惰性材料制成代替受损组织的人工角膜,是角膜代替疗法革命性创新。 创始人于好勇经10余年研制开发成功永久性人工角膜。 经与解放军301医院和国内各地医院近10年的临床应用,使百位因角膜损坏又无法做活体角膜移植且双目失明多年的患者重新获得光明。 这一重大技术的应用在眼科界引起强烈反响。 波士顿 I 型人工角膜术后,角膜 …
人工角膜_角膜移植-米赫人工角膜 - microkpro.com
米赫人工角膜MIOK植入专利设计是广泛的,多学科(物理,化学,生物学)研究和开发过程的结果。 米赫人工角膜和它的PMMA镜柱,提供了良好的视觉性能和广阔的视野。 米赫人工角膜镜柱的后侧可以很容易地固定在中心孔区,这种新颖的集成方法通过其光学部件进一步确保了设备的安全性,从而确保了可靠和快速的愈合,以及长期的保留。 由于是合成的,无菌的且由惰性材料组成,因此该设备不会携带传染性物质或引起过度的炎症。 这将改善生活质量并提供更有效的患 …
[Chinese expert consensus on keratoprosthesis procedure (2021)]
2021年10月11日 · With the approval of the collar button design KPro (Boston Ⅰ-like artificial cornea) for marketing and the completion of clinical trials of the Miok KPro (MICOF-like artificial cornea) in China, domestic artificial corneas will bring Chinese patients with end-stage corneal blindness opportunities for recovery of eyesight.
Artificial cornea_corneal transplant-Mach medical
Therefore, after years of continuous innovation and efforts, Beijing mikpro medical device Co., Ltd. has finally developed the mikpro artificial cornea (Micof). The artificial cornea, which is made of inert inert material instead of damaged tissue, is a revolutionary innovation in corneal replacement therapy.
Good news to patients with corneal blindness: MIOK …
2022年1月19日 · MIOK Keratoprosthesis is the world's first ever approved artificial cornea that requires no co-implantation of donor corneas, and is of great significance across the 60 million patients with...
Microkpro receives NMPA’s first approval of artificial ... - BioWorld
2022年1月25日 · Beijing Microkpro Medical Instrument Co. Ltd. has received marketing approval for its artificial cornea from China’s NMPA. Miok Keratoprosthesis is the world’s first artificial cornea made of 100% non-biological materials and does not require co-implantation of donor corneas, according to Microkpro Medical.
Keratoprosthesis - Wikipedia
Keratoprotheses are made of clear plastic with excellent tissue tolerance and optical properties. They vary in design, size and even the implantation techniques may differ across different treatment centers. The procedure is done by ophthalmologists, often on an outpatient basis.
Good news to patients with corneal blindness: MIOK …
2021年12月7日 · MIOK Keratoprosthesis is the world's first ever approved artificial cornea that requires no co-implantation of donor corneas, and is of great significance across the 60 million patients with corneal blindness worldwide, as MIOK Keratoprosthesis makes it no longer impossible to restore sight to patients with corneal blindness, and ease the ...
Minimally invasive keratoprosthesis (mi-KPro) for vision …
To overcome these limitations, we developed a minimally invasive KPro (mi-KPro) device, to minimize the aforementioned complications while being amenable for patients with severe ocular pathologies. Methods : Corneal alkali and acid injury models were employed in rabbits, using 2N NaOH (n=12) or 2N HCl (n=12), respectively.
Boston Type 1 Keratoprosthesis - EyeWiki
by Ravi Patel, MD, MBA on January 26, 2025. The Boston Keratoprosthesis (KPro) is the most widely used artificial cornea or keratoprosthesis. It is a treatment option for corneal disease not amenable to standard penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) or corneal transplant.
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