MIPRO 嘉強電子官方網站 | MIPRO Electronics Official Website
Wireless Microphones, Wireless PA, Wireless IEM, Wireless Tour Guide, Wireless Conference. 無線麥克風、無線擴音機、天線系統、無線IEM系統、無線導覽系統、會議麥克風。
MA-Series Portable Wireless PA MA-I - MIPRO
One-piece molded cabinet with high efficiency amplifier system that drives the dual speaker system for powerful and clear sound. Retractable handle and rugged wheels make it amazingly easy to transport. It can be hand-carried or installed on a …
Elite Portable PA MA-505 - MIPRO
One-piece molded cabinet with high efficiency amplifier system to drive the two-way speaker system for powerful and clear sound. Robust, rugged enclosure, and lightweight makes it easy for hand carry. Also can be installed on a tripod stand. VOP (voice-over-priority) and TONE control.
MIPRO ACT-300B UHF雙頻道 無線麥克風組 - 潘氏音響電子有限公司
採用CPU控制自動選訊接收方式,獨家音碼、雜訊鎖定雙重靜音控制,消除斷音及雜訊。 採用電子式按鍵操作面板,具有操作鎖定功能防止誤動作。 首創依據雜音指示燈調整『SQ』,調高接 …
Products — Mirro Homepage
Mirro offers a wide variety of cookware and gadgets to help you create your very own masterpiece. We believe everyone should feel confident enough to explore in the kitchen, while having fun. Let Mirro help you find that creative side and start your exciting journey right in the comfort of your own home.
全金属管身造型,特殊雾黑色表面处理,超低手持触摸杂音特性 音头模块,高级多层上下金属网罩,上网罩可拆下清洗,下网罩以外螺牙结合在管身,耐摔防滚及防噗,声音清晰透彻。 共用EIA标准金属机箱及控制面板,装配全新设计双色背光大型LCD,收讯时会自动变色,以识别工作与待机频道。 手提无线扩音机的喇叭系统,应用MTM及数组式双音路喇叭系统的原理,重现原音的音质、大幅提升音场的范围及音压。 扩音机的音箱,喇叭单元以垂直哑铃式布局一体成形,能在 …
無線麥克風 - 潘氏音響電子有限公司 - pans-audio.com
MIPRO ACT-300B UHF雙頻道 無線麥克風組 頻道數 雙頻道 機箱 EIA ...
Pro Pans
Discover high-quality stainless steel gastronorm pans, sinks, and idly trays designed for chefs who demand excellence. Pro Pans specializes in manufacturing high-quality kitchen equipment tailored to meet the unique needs of culinary professionals across the industry. 01. 02. 03. Experience the durability and reliability of Pro Pans products.
MIPRO Parts, Replacement & Service | Full Compass Systems
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Professional Quality Bakeware by USA Pan
Professional Quality Bakeware, Made to Last. Made with aluminized steel and our patented Americoat silicone non-stick coating. That keeps anything from sticking to your pans. Bringing bakeware to your home with the same high-quality, heavy-duty features that our professional customers know & trust. How can we help?