MiR600 - Elevate Your Productivity - Mobile Industrial Robots
With the power to move loads up to 600 kg, speed of 2 m/sec and the ability to quickly maneuver in crowded areas, the MiR600 offers you a way to optimize logistics workflows significantly. …
MiR600 Specifications - Mobile Industrial Robots
Maximum payload: 600 kg | 1 322.8 lbs. Load surface: 1 304 × 864 mm | 51.3 × 34 in. Maximum speed: 2.0 m/s (7.2 km/h) | 6.6 ft/s (4.4 mph) Active operation time: Up to 11 h. Charging ratio: …
MiR600/1350 - Pallet transport robot
With a payload of up to 600 kg and a speed of up to 2 m/s, it optimises work processes and reduces the strain on employees. Thanks to its robust IP52 certification, the MiR600 is …
MIR 600 USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
Product presentation MiR600 is an autonomous mobile robot that can transport loads up to 600 kg indoors within production facilities, warehouses, and other industrial locations where access to …
The MiR600 is a stronger and safer AMR. The MiR600 is compliant with the highest available robot standards making it superior to other AMRs on the market. Five years or 20 000 hours, …
MiR600 AMR - CSSI Technologies LLC
Ideal for the internal transport of heavy loads up to 1,320 lbs, the MiR600 AMR from Mobile Industrial Robots is quick to deploy and includes best-in-class safety features. Also, an IP52 …
MiR 600 - Simplimatic Automation
The MiR600 is compliant with the highest available robot standards making it superior to other AMRs on the market. With increased ability to withstand dust particles and fluids along with …
MiR | MiR600 Mobile Robot | Automation, Inc.
A stronger and safer mobile robot, the MiR600 is equipped with the latest laser scanning technology that delivers a 360-degree visual for optimal safety. 3D cameras have a range of 1 …
MiR自主移动机器人发布市场首批IP52评级新产品MiR600及MiR1350 …
2021年8月12日 · MiR600 AMR及MiR1350 AMR是目前市场上较先获得IP52评级的两款AMR产品。 IP等级是测量设备防尘及防水能力的国际标准,这一特性确保了两款机器人能够在极具挑 …
The MiR600 & MiR1350 set new standards for internal logistics with stronger and safer autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). Pick-up, transport and deliver pallets or other heavy loads …