Professor Mira Kim - UNSW Sydney
PhD Macquarie, MA in Translation and Interpreting HUFS, Pg Dip Applied Linguistics (TESOL) Macquarie; NAATI-accredited Conference Interpreter and Advanced Translator. I am both a lifelong learner and a passionate educator, deeply engaged in …
Mira Kim - Google Scholar
Associate Professor of University of New South Wales - Cited by 687 - translation - higher education - systemic functional linguistics - personalised language learning - Korean grammar
raichi-ulsw-sprite-sheet-by-ARISRAD - DeviantArt
2025年2月18日 · sprite gamedev pixelart digitalart cooler dbz dragonballz freeza goku slug swl hatchiyak ulsw
SpriteXanimator on Scratch
ULSW SSJR Goku Black (Transformation Sequence) by SpriteXanimator ULSW Beserker Kale (TOP). by SpriteXanimator ULSW Mr Satan. by SpriteXanimator Warrior in Black (SDBH) by SpriteXanimator SWL Auras (Requested) by SpriteXanimator MUI Goku ULSW by SpriteXanimator ULSW FSSJ Goku by SpriteXanimator Xeno Goku Black Preview. by SpriteXanimator ULSW FP Beerus. by SpriteXanimator JUS Kars. by ...
Custom / Edited - Dragon Ball Customs - The Spriters Resource
Custom / Edited - Dragon Ball Customs - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet!
Goku Saiyan Armor (Base) Sprite Sheet ULSW - DeviantArt
2023年12月8日 · Pues na otra sheet, se que no es la gran cosa, pero quiero terminar esto cuánto antes (ya que me retrasé mucho pero mucho con Gohan) así que nada. Oh y varias de las sheets que prometí quedan canceladas, esto debido a que me …
Auras Ulsw Sprite Sheet by EnderIcaro on DeviantArt
2021年2月8日 · I Will add more auras soon If you use credit me and bite035 created by Bite035 and a little edited by me
嚴嘉欣 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
嚴嘉欣 (英文藝名: Mira;中文藝名 咪拉;韓文藝名: 미라,1992年10月7日 —), 香港 網絡紅人,現為全職 YouTuber,現居 韓國,曾就讀 西江大學 語學堂,於2015年8月17日創立YouTube頻道,主要分享韓國資訊以及旅遊網誌 [2][3]。
How is it? My made ULSW with many artists's artwork. Credits to …
2019年6月17日 · I gathered all Goku's Transformations.😊 Also…
Mira190 (Mira Git) · GitHub
UNSW IT Master. Mira190 has 5 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.