Dassault Mirage G - Wikipedia
The Dassault Mirage G, also known as the Mirage IIIG, [1] was a variant of the French Dassault Mirage series of supersonic warplanes, but with a variable-sweep wing. Three prototypes were …
幻象G型戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
幻象G型戰鬥機 (Dassault Mirage G),是一種由 法國 達梭公司 (Dassault)公司製造的中型空優及攻擊用戰機,並作為驗證應用 可變後掠翼 技術的測試平台。 項目被發展成兩個分型,分 …
Dassault Mirage G – Wikipedia
Die Dassault Mirage G war ein zweistrahliges Mehrzweckkampfflugzeug des französischen Herstellers Dassault Aviation, das sowohl als Jagdflugzeug als auch für Bodenangriffe …
Mirage G: origins, characteristics and performance data
Mirage G8 02 made its maiden flight at Istres, on July 13, 1972, piloted by Jean-Marie Saget. For its first anniversary – and its 74th sortie – on July 13, 1973, it achieved the highest speed ever …
軍武百科》浪漫的法國人曾把幻象戰機 搞成「可變機翼」版本
2024年2月25日 · 達梭的Mirage G是採用了與Mirage F2相同的機身去做修改,並配備一具與F2相同的普惠/史奈克瑪TF 306渦扇發動機,僅於機翼結構處重新設計,在機翼與機身稍微齊平的 …
Dassault Mirage G — Wikipédia
Le premier prototype du Mirage G4 est alors modifié en Mirage G8 01 (biplace) et fait son premier vol le 8 mai 1971 2. Dès son quatrième vol, le 13 mai 1971, il atteint la vitesse de Mach 2 à 12 …
Dassault Mirage G | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Dassault Mirage G was a French two-seat twin-engined variable-geometry prototype fighter, built by Dassault Aviation in the late 1960s. The aircraft was further developed into the twin …
Dassault Mirage G Technology Demonstrator / Swing-Wing …
2019年3月12日 · This marked the Mirage G as the first European-originated swing-aircraft to ever achieve flight. On November 24th, the aircraft reached over Mach1 in testing with its wings …
Dassault Mirage G / G-4 / G-8 - Combat aircraft
The Mirage G / G-4 / G-8 is a French experimental swing-wing fighter, designed during 1960s-1970s, never deployed operationally, evolved into several prototypes.
Dassault Mirage G / G8 - variable-geometry fighter
The Mirage G8 was envisaged as a multi-role fighter, capable of fulfilling intercept, patrol, attack and long-range reconnaissance missions, and was fitted with Cyrano IV multi-purpose radar, a …