Mirai Ota - Studio Chizu Wiki
Mirai Ota is a main character of the movie "MIRAI". She is the younger sister of Kun Ota.
MIRAI (Movie) | Studio Chizu Wiki | Fandom
2018年5月16日 · MIRAI (未来のミライ, Mirai no Mirai, literally "Mirai of the Future") is a 2018 Japanese animated adventure fantasy comedy film written and directed by Mamoru Hosoda. The movie premiered on May 16, 2018 at Directors' Fortnight[1] of 2018 Cannes Film Festival and officially released in Japan on July...
Mirai Ota/Gallery - Studio Chizu Wiki
Future Mirai comes to her brother's rescue. Baby Mirai smiling. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Mirai OTA (Character) – aniSearch.com
Dieses Mädchen ist die 12-jährige Mirai aus der Zukunft. Kun wurde immer wieder mal eifersüchtig auf seine kleine Schwester. Einmal benutzte er Mirai als Spielzeug und klebte ihr Kekse aufs Gesicht. Als er dann in den Garten ging, veränderte sich die Welt um ihn herum. Es war bereits das zweite Mal, dass das geschehen ist.
Mirai | Dubbing Wikia | Fandom
Mirai (Japanese: 未来のミライ, Hepburn: Mirai no Mirai, literally "Mirai of the Future") is a 2018 Japanese animated adventure fantasy comedy film written and directed by Mamoru Hosoda and produced by Studio Chizu. It premiered on May 16, 2018 at Directors' Fortnight and released in Japan on July 20...
MIRAI_Ota - 嘉立创EDA开源硬件平台 - oshwhub.com
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The fantasy of the Japanese family in Mirai (2018) : r/TrueFilm - Reddit
2020年7月25日 · The function of the matsuri mode within Mirai, then, becomes a way to grapple with contemporary issues of the family. The Ota family lives in Yokohama, a city on the outskirts of Tokyo, while it is suggested within the film that Kun’s grandparents live rurally, at least a bullet train journey away.
MIRAI訪問看護ステーション大田 (@mirai.ota) • Instagram …
mirai訪問看護ステーション大田です。 24時間精神科男性多めの訪問看護ステーションとなります ご依頼や各種お問い合わせはこちらまで 03-4540-7607 電話受付:月曜日〜金曜日12:00-18:00 アドレス:[email protected]"
Mirai OTA (Character) – aniSearch.com
Information about the character Mirai OTA. Do you like the character? Then put them on your list of favourites!