Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF) | ORNL
ORNL’s Multicharged Ion Research Facility, or MIRF, can produce intense beams of highly charged ions. It is primarily used to study atomic physics collision processes as beams of atomic ions interact with atoms, groups of atoms, or surfaces.
Physics - More, better MIRF | ORNL
2006年2月23日 · The atomic physics community is getting a boost with the just-completed upgrade of Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Multicharged Ion Research Facility. Researchers have been conducting experiments at MIRF since 1984.
Recent Activities at the ORNL Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF ...
2010年8月23日 · A brief summary of the MIRF high voltage (HV) platform and floating beam line upgrade is provided. An expansion of our research program to the use of molecular ion beams in heavy-particle and electron collisions, as well as in ion-surface interactions is described, and a brief description is provided of the most recently added Ion Cooling and ...
Multicharged ion–surface measurements at ORNL MIRF
1999年8月2日 · Studies are reported of low energy multicharged ion–surface interactions carried out at the ORNL MIRF (Multicharged Ion Research Facility) utilitizing recently developed apparatus that implements a UHV floating scattering chamber.
The ORNL Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF) high voltage ...
A new 250 kV high voltage platform has been installed at the ORNL Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF) to extend the energy range of multicharged ions available for experimental investigations of their collisional interactions with electrons, atoms, molecules, and solid surfaces.
The new ornl multicharged ion research facility floating beamline
Abstract: We report on the development and implementation of a new beam line at the ORNL Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF) that is floatable at up to -12 kV and injected by a 10 GHz CAPRICE ECR ion source and is part of a major facility upgrade project.
Recent activities at the ORNL Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF)
2011年1月1日 · A new 250 kV high-voltage platform has been installed at the ORNL multicharged ion research facility (MIRF) to extend the energy range of multicharged ions available for experimental ...
Timeline of the Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF) •ORNL ECR ion source, since 1984, dedicated to atomic collisions physics, MIRF established •CAPRICE ECR ion source, since 1992 • MIRF upgrade project Extend upper energy limit to 250xq keV by placing new all permanent magnet ECR ion source on 250 kV high voltage platform
The ORNL multicharged ion research facility upgrade project
A new 250 kV high-voltage platform has been installed at the ORNL multicharged ion research facility (MIRF) to extend the energy range of multicharged ions available for experimental investigations of their collisional interactions with electrons, atoms, molecules and solid surfaces.
Recent activities at the ORNL Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF) are summarized. A brief summary of the MIRF high voltage (HV) platform and floating beam line upgrade is provided. An expansion of our research program to the us e of molecular ion beams in heavy-particle and electron collisions, as well as in ion-