Miro是一款在线协作白板工具,为团队远程协作、创意思维与项目推进提供高效可视化支持。 您可在Miro中自由绘制思维导图、策划流程图、管理项目进度,并通过即时评论与多方互动,让来自世界各地的团队成员同步参与并贡献创意。
Miro - 使用方法
Miro是一款在线协作白板工具,为团队远程协作、创意思维与项目推进提供高效可视化支持。 您可在Miro中自由绘制思维导图、策划流程图、管理项目进度,并通过即时评论与多方互动,让来自世界各地的团队成员同步参与并贡献创意。
居家办公之超生产力神器——miro - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Miro的board里进行移动/放大缩小/拖拽等动作,是自动出现智能对齐辅助线和捕捉中心点,也就是具备了排版功能。 那么平时用作讨论上传的内容,稍作排版,即可导出作为正式的成果文件。
Miro | The Innovation Workspace
Bring ideas closer to reality and use documents, diagrams, tables, and timelines to transform creative chaos into clear plans. Organize all your project information in one place so that teams can get up to speed quickly. You can even add content …
What Does 94v, 94h, 94w, 94t & 94y Mean On A Tire? - Tires Pick
94T tires are versatile tires with a good balance between load capacity and speed. These tires are commonly used in passenger cars and small SUVs due to their optimal blend of speed capability and load-bearing capacity. Cars like Honda Accord, Ford Fusion, and small SUVs like Honda CR-V are ideal matches for 94T tires.
颜值爆表的在线协作沟通工具——miro - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
miro给每一幅白板提供了一个近似无限大的书写空间,并且所有的基本元素都可以自由编辑、无限放大。 >>>> 故事板模式. miro还可以支持非常有画面感的故事板模式 >>>>关联众多常用的工具
How To Use Miro | Your Guide To Getting Started
In this quick guide, we’ll walk you through 6 simple steps on how to use Miro and make the most of it. We’ll also share some tips to get creative and speed up your workflow. By the end, you’ll know exactly how to create and populate Miro boards, collaborate in real time and async, and even run your own workshops. So let’s get started.
245/40R19 (94Y) 轮胎 - Pirelli
了解倍耐力轮胎245/40r19 (94y)的范围,选择适合您的爱车的理想轮胎。立即购买!
无限尺寸,这个在线白板应用值得一试 | miro - 知乎
miro 是一款支持多人在线协作的白板工具,最开始使用需要登录或注册账号。 miro 支持使用 Google/Slack/Microsoft/Apple/Facebook 账号登录。 如果你没有上面这些账号,也可以使用自己常用的邮箱进行注册。 miro 白板
Automated Test Set (ATS) Operator/Maintainer | U.S. Army - goarmy.com
In this job, you'll be in charge of maintaining the electrical equipment used by the Army to perform diagnostics and test various weapons systems.