Teruma | The Mishkan and the Aron | Yeshivat Har Etzion
The Ramban writes that "the major goal of the Mishkan is to provide a location for the repose of God's presence, which is the Aron. As the verse states 'I will meet with you there, and speak to you from upon the Kaporet (the top cover of the Aron), from between the cherubs that are upon the Aron of the Testimony, concerning all of the ...
Mishkan and Mikdash • Torah.org
B: THE ARON. It is abundantly clear that the Aron (ark), which houses the Edut (testimony – the tablets of the covenant) is the central “vessel” in the Mishkan. It is the first item listed in the order of building (Sh’mot 25:10-16) and, more significantly, it is the base of the Keruvim, from where God will communicate with Mosheh:
history - What happened to the Mishkan? - Mi Yodeya
2022年9月15日 · Where is the Mishkan today (i.e. where are its components)? What happened to the set of tablets that were housed inside? This post suggests that the Mishkan was destroyed in Shiloh, but does not give any definitive answer.
The Secret of the Mishkan - Torah.org
2008年2月8日 · The first of the kelim listed in the Torah is the Aron, which housed the Luchot and also the Torah scroll that Moshe wrote. Our Sages teach that Hashem created the Torah before He created the world. Likewise, the Aron is listed before any other item from the Mishkan. But Hashem did not create the physical Torah before He created the world.
Teruma - Mishkan and Ohel - alexisrael
the mishkan is mishkan ha'edut (ex 38:21). Within the Mishkan is the ark of testimony (ARON HA'EDUT) which contains the two tablets – the LUCHOT HA'EDUT – the eternal witnesses to the royal event in which God with all his angels and hosts appeared to the Jewish people at the revelation upon Har Sinai.
Teruma | The Aron Ha-Kodesh | Yeshivat Har Etzion
2014年9月21日 · Parashat Teruma describes the construction of both the actual structure of the Mishkan as well as the holy utensils (keilim) which were housed therein. The first item which is detailed is the "aron" - the ark which contained the "luchot" and which was placed in the Kodesh Ha-kodoshim (the inner sanctuary).
Mishkan: Map of Life • Torah.org
2019年3月5日 · This is the accounting of the Mishkan—the Tabernacle of Testimony—as requested by Moshe of the Levites, under the guidance of Itamar, the son of Aharon the priest. (Shemos 38:21) WITH THE FINAL parsha of Sefer Shemos, we conclude the discussion about the construction of the Mishkan.
In this week's parasha, the Torah commands the building of the Tabernacle, the Mishkan. Immediately following this command, the Torah describes and commands the building of a set of religious objects that will inhabit the Mishkan. The first of these objects described by the Torah is the Aron HaEdut, “Ark of the Covenant.”
The Aron and the Luchos - Meshech Chochmah - OU Torah
The Parsha of Terumah inaugurates a series of parshiyos discussing the construction of the Mishkan and its keilim (vessels). The first of the keilim presented by the Torah is the Aron , the holy ark which resided in the kodesh hakodashim .
Mishkan – Derech HaTorah
The Mishkan (literally “Dwelling Place”) refers to the Tabernacle that was a portable dwelling place for Hashem during the time of the Exodus and the settlement of Israel before the First Temple was constructed. The Mishkan accompanied the Hebrews on their wanderings throughout the wilderness and their conquest of the Land of Israel.