Burnham Grammar School | Mrs Fleet is still there; I saw her in …
Mrs Fleet is still there; I saw her in the summer, and she doesn't look a day older (which I found unnerving). Only she and Dr. Branfield remain from 1981.
诗德伯翰中学 - 百度百科
诗德伯翰中学(Stoneleigh-Burnham School)是美国一所提供7到12年级学习的女子中学,同时招收走读生和寄宿生。 诗德伯翰中学的课程在全美受认可,包括科学、辩论、艺术、骑马,以及全面及广泛的大学预备课程和荣誉课程供具有不同文化程度的学生选取。
思德博翰女子学校26个问题 - Stoneleigh-Burnham School
请教大家:Stoneleigh-burnham school与kents hill school两所学校录取,哪个更好。 女孩子,九升九,性格内向,喜欢绘画、生物。 我知道这两所学校没有可比性,混校/女校:地理位置不同等。
思德博翰女子学校 介绍, 思德博翰女子学校, 思德博翰女子学校中 …
思德伯翰学校位于麻省格林菲尔德,是新英格兰地区唯一一所提供 IB 文凭课程的女子高中,几乎所有科目均提供IB课程。 学校周边大学资源丰富,距离马萨诸塞大学-阿姆斯特分校仅15分钟车程,距离斯密斯学院20分钟,距离阿姆斯特学院15分钟车程。 我曾考察过该校,学校的马术课程不 …
Stoneleigh-Burnham School
Stoneleigh-Burnham School is a boarding and day school for girls in Grades 7 - 12 and Postgraduate (PG). 574 Bernardston Road Greenfield, MA 01301 413.774.2711. Contact Information & Directions
Miss hall's, Stoneleigh-Burnham School, Cushing, The Ethel …
2017年3月8日 · 这里的SBS指的不是石溪,是Stoneleigh-Burnham school. 整体排序是 Proctor>Kimball union>Ethel Wlaker>Worcester>Cushing>miss Hall>Wilbraham monson>Tilton> Stoneleigh-Burnham Proctor和Kimball union据我所知一些机构已经收到Offer的信息了,如果现在你们还没有消息的话应该希望不大了,之后的学校 ...
Best schools in East Burnham | School Guide
Compare all schools in East Burnham and see the best and worst performing schools. Also view the local primary school league table. Our number one ranked school in East Burnham based on our official School Guide Star Rating is Wycombe Abbey. St Mary's School Ascot is ranked second in East Burnham based on its performance data and Ofsted rating.
Burnham Grammar School | My Monday timetable was detention …
My Monday timetable was detention from Mrs Fleet...
Miss Fleet's First Grade Class! - Home Page
This website is here to give you information that you might want throughout the school year. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions to help make this page more helpful for you!
Staff & Governors - Feltonfleet
Head of Pre-Prep - Miss G Deen BA, QTS. Deputy Head of Pre-Prep - Mrs L Doherty BA (Hons), PGCE, QTS (maternity leave). Miss A Bensdorp Pre-Prep Assistant. Miss E Collins BA(Hons), PGCE Year 2 Teacher, Reader Leader. Miss N Cordeaux-Brooks NVQ L3 Teaching Assistant. Miss C Day BMus, MMus, PGCE Year 2 Teacher, KS1 Phase Leader. Mrs K Dixon BA (Hons), QTS Reception Teacher, EYFS Phase Leader