MiSTer FPGA Forum - Board Index
2 天之前 · MiSTer FPGA Clones. Discussion on FPGA development boards based upon the Terasic DE10-Nano from QMTECH and MiSTER Pi.
Jotego Confirms CPS3 / PGM / Mortal Kombat - MiSTer FPGA Forum
2021年11月19日 · The good news is that there are already people currently working on porting MiSTer's framework to other FPGA platforms, and if this succeeds, porting MiSTer cores …
PlayStation - MiSTer FPGA Forum
2020年7月7日 · MiSTer has different hardware and PlayStation is a different system, so the process of I/O assignment for a PlayStation MiSTer core will be very different. Especially since …
PSone / MiSTer hybrid console from Taki Udon - MiSTer FPGA …
2020年5月25日 · The world's first affordable FPGA gaming console. Inspired by the PS one. Supports PS1 games, memory cards, and controllers. Analog/Digital output. NFC/WiFi/BT. …
PWM on 18-bit DAC to get 24-bit Color - MiSTer FPGA Forum
2024年1月13日 · Here is my fork of the N64 core with the PWM changes: https://github.com/Jokippo/N64_MiSTer_PWM. It seems to work quite well and may be a good …
Atari Jaguar Core - Page 8 - MiSTer FPGA Forum
2025年1月14日 · AvP and Trevor McFur still wouldn't show an image on the 11/18 core. The 11/12 core worked fine. So the same as if using the full Mister Pi setup. Don't see any reason …
8bitdo M30 Xbox edition - MiSTer FPGA Forum
2020年5月25日 · Anyone try one of these things out with MiSTer yet? The original M30 is a modern classic IMHO, so I'm curious to hear how this new one stacks up.
Atari Jaguar Core - Page 5 - MiSTer FPGA Forum
2022年2月22日 · The mister discord community is a good place to be if you want to be on the bleeding edge of core changes, as there's regular test builds for feedback, 1 on 1 debugging …
MiSTer Pi - MiSTer FPGA Forum
2024年9月3日 · Does it tell something to anyone ? The price seems to be quite low compared to a full Mister kit. They claim that MiSTER Pi is a fully compatible MiSTer FPGA development …
MiSTer FPGA Forum
2021年4月27日 · 1) Keep MisTer for 8/16/32 bit cores and move to a new more powerful FPGA for more complex machines only (Dreamcast, PS2...) 2) Get a new more powerful FPGA and …