Nature | piRNA前体产生的机制 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
目前,人们认为核内切酶 Zucchini (小鼠中称为MitoPLD或PLD6),作为线粒体外膜蛋白,是催化pre-pre-piRNA裂解为pre-piRNA的主要酶,但是却缺乏直接证据,并且其切割方式也一直存在着模棱两可甚至矛盾的地方,一方面,因为“尾随”piRNA通常以一个5’-端的尿嘧啶碱 ...
MitoPLD Is a Mitochondrial Protein Essential for Nuage Formation …
MitoPLD is a member of the phospholipase D superfamily proteins conserved among diverse species. Zucchini, the Drosophila homolog of MitoPLD, has been implicated in primary biogenesis of Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). By contrast, MitoPLD has been ...
Mitoguardin Regulates Mitochondrial Fusion through MitoPLD …
MIGA proteins function downstream of mitofusin and interact with MitoPLD to stabilize MitoPLD and facilitate MitoPLD dimer formation. Therefore, we propose that MIGA proteins promote mitochondrial fusion by regulating mitochondrial phospholipid metabolism via MitoPLD.
Roles for the lipid-signaling enzyme MitoPLD in mitochondrial …
In the first role, MitoPLD-generated PA regulates mitochondrial shape through facilitating mitochondrial fusion. In the second role, MitoPLD performs a critical function in a pathway that creates a specialized form of RNAi required by developing spermatocytes to suppress transposon mobilization during meiosis.
2016年1月15日 · MIGA1/2可以形成同源或异源的二聚体,并与一个调控线粒体融合的磷酯酶MitoPLD相结合。MitoPLD通过形成二聚体调控线粒体表面磷脂组成。而MIGA1/2则可以稳定MitoPLD并促进MitoPLD二聚体形成,从而调控线粒体融合。
MITOPLD is a member of the phospholipase D super-family proteins conserved among diverse species. Zucchini (Zuc), the Drosophila homolog of MITOPLD, has been implicated in primary biogenesis of Piwi-in-teracting RNAs (piRNAs).
NCB | 武汉大学发现低密度脂蛋白能够从内吞载体传递到线粒体支 …
磷脂酶D6 (PLD6;也称为mitoPLD)是PLD家族的一员,负责将线粒体外膜(OMM)定位的心磷脂水解成磷脂酸。 磷脂酸是一种锥形磷脂,通过脂质膜产生负曲率来促进膜融合。
MITOPLD is a mitochondrial protein essential for nuage …
2011年3月15日 · MITOPLD is a member of the phospholipase D superfamily proteins conserved among diverse species. Zucchini (Zuc), the Drosophila homolog of MITOPLD, has been implicated in primary biogenesis of Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). By contrast, MITOPLD has been shown to hydrolyze cardiolipin in the outer m …
Metabolism and function of mitochondrial cardiolipin
2014年7月1日 · MitoPLD, a divergent member of the phospholipase D (PLD) superfamily, was found to localize to the mitochondrial surface via insertion of a short N-terminal anchor into the outer membrane where it functions as a homodimer [108]. The MitoPLD protein sequence is most similar to the bacterial endonuclease Nuc and the bacterial CL synthase.
A common lipid links Mfn-mediated mitochondrial fusion and …
2006年10月8日 · Mitochondrial PLD (MitoPLD) targets to the external face of mitochondria and promotes trans-mitochondrial membrane adherence in a Mfn-dependent manner by hydrolysing...