产品方案 - 西藏米优科技 - miutek.com
直播. 支持rtmp\ rtsp\ hls\udp. 支持直播客户端的拉流,也支持往外部其他直播服务器推流;内置直播服务器可同时支持上百路1080p全高清码流并发直播;同时支持多码流同步直播,方便用户根据不同的场景选择合适的直播码流进行观看。
Home - MiTek Residential Construction Industry
MiTek is a global company that provides integrated software, services, engineered products, and automated solutions for the building industry worldwide. Shorter framing cycle times for the KB Home ProjeKt were realized through collaboration enabled in part by MiTek’s 3D BIM structural models and manufacturing that uses MiTek automated equipment.
Home - MiTek Inc.
MiTek empowers owners, architects, builders, and manufacturers to collaborate – applying repeatable, scalable, and intelligent processes that unlock value and profit from every project. Supporting single-family construction with labor and time-saving solutions that reduce overhead to enable you to build a better business.
MUTEK MX | Homepage
Revive la primera noche de celebración de los 20 años de MUTEK MX con esta premiere en el Teatro de la Ciudad. Una plataforma de inspiración infinita. Por primera vez en América Latina. Pronto más información. A unos días de culminar la Edición 20 x DEFENDER, el vértigo de todo lo vivido aún se siente en el aire.
西藏米优科技有限公司 - 爱企查
西藏米优科技有限公司是一家高新技术企业 (2023)、小微企业,该公司成立于2020年10月14日,位于拉萨市柳梧新区雅砻阳光花园4-2-1201,目前处于开业状态,经营范围包括一般项目:计算机软硬件及辅助设备批发;信息技术咨询服务;软件销售;软件开发;网络与信息安全软件开发等,企业品牌项目包括米优科技。 西藏米优科技有限公司法定代表人为易青云,参保人数为11人,其中易青云担任财务负责人,执行董事兼总经理,张慧升担任监事。 3、知识产权. 西藏米优科 …
MITEK Viewer - MiTek Residential Construction Industry
From ridge line to foundation, MiTek ® Viewer delivers great collaboration for design, approval, and on-site construction of your structural framing. Starting with a 3D BIM from the truss and component manufacturer. Use the free reader for zooming, measuring, adding comments and more. Print layout sheets, print plans, 3D and elevation views.
Products - MiTek Residential Construction Industry
MiTek® is the world’s leading supplier and innovator of offsite component connectors and hardware: A simple, easy-to-install waterproof barrier for tiled bathrooms and showers: Make your next job easier with these MiTek products. A complete lineup of structural connectors and hardware designed for enhanced strength, safety, and code compliance.
MUTEK Montréal | International festival of digital creativity and…
Since 2020, MUTEK Montréal and Avatar, an artist-run centre dedicated to audio and electronic arts, have been offering a residency call for creation and dissemination projects.
Miutek Technology Company , China , Apparel & Clothing
Address: Miutek Technology Company, Lanyu Street 73#, Huanghe Road, Dalian Dalian, Liaoning; Website: www.miutek.com; Business Type: Agent; Main Products: Electromagnetic Wave, Anti-electromagnetic, Radialization, Anti-electromagnetic Wave, Location: Liaoning; Year Established: 2004; Number Of Employess: 6 - 10; Total Revenue: Less than USD 100,000
Miutek Technology Company ,Other Apparel China
Miutek Technology Company is a professional agent of anti-electromagnetic wave clothes, Including : 1.Maternity Women dress series: vest/one-piece skirt/belt-pant; 2.Computer Staffs/OA: suit/ waistcoat; 3.Special Protective: uniform/union & separated; 4.Personal safety& Family protection: hat/apron/bag/cage/curtain, etc.