代谢组学结果中的pos,neg结尾的文件的含义 - 百度文库
在代谢组学研究中,数据文件名中的“pos”和“neg”代表了代谢产物的离子模式,分别对应正离子模式和负离子模式。 这两种离子模式在质谱分析中具有不同的应用场景和特点,对于代谢产物 …
你问我答丨代谢组入门到精通——问题汇总(上篇) - 知乎
代谢组学 (metabonomics/metabolomics)是指对一个生物体系在特定时间和条件下所有小分子 (相对分子质量小于1500) 代谢物质的定性定量分析,从而描述生物内源性代谢物的整体及其对 …
Donnyjiang/Mixup-Your-Own-Pairs - GitHub
We provide examples of how SupReMix can be applied to your own datasets. There are three components in SupReMix: (1) Mix-neg, (2) Mix-pos, and (3) Distance Magnifying. We provide …
奥维森科技:代谢组学常见问题解析(一) - 知乎专栏
pos,neg分别表示数据采集时的正离子和负离子两种模式。 正、负离子模式是质谱的两种扫描模式,样本在ESI源离子化之后,会同时出现带正电荷和负电荷的离子,根据物质的理化性质的 …
非靶代谢组学检测问题知多少 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
因此lc非靶同时采用pos模式和neg模式检测,是为了提高物质检出的覆盖度。 2. MS2 name 和 MS1 name 在后续分析中都可以使用吗?
propose Supervised Contrastive Learning for Regression with Mixup (SupReMix). It takes anchor-inclusive mixtures (mixup of the anchor and a distinct negative sample) as hard negative pairs …
[2010.01028] Hard Negative Mixing for Contrastive Learning
2020年10月2日 · Based on these observations, and motivated by the success of data mixing, we propose hard negative mixing strategies at the feature level, that can be computed on-the-fly …
mix_neg_Ce40 function - RDocumentation
Learn R Programming. LipidMS (version 0.1.0). Description. Usage Arguments
cent hard negative mining methods via pairwise mixup operation in vision, we propose M-Mix, which dynamically generates a sequence of hard negatives. Compared with previous …
SEAL/MATLAB/embedding_lp.m at master · muhanzhang/SEAL
% -train_mix: a struct where train_mix.pos contains indices [(i1, j1); (i2, j2); ...] % of positive train links, train_mix.neg contains indices of negative % train links, train_mix.train is a sparse …