Daily MJO index time series from 1979 - National Oceanic and ...
Projection of 20-96 day filtered OLR, including all eastward and westward wave numbers onto the rotated daily spatial EOF patterns of 30-96 day eastward filtered OLR. EOFs are calculated …
Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) monitoring - Bureau of …
6 天之前 · Outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) is often used as a way to identify tall, thick, convective rain clouds. These maps show the difference from expected cloudiness based on …
Tropical Monitoring :: North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies
Wheeler and Weickmann (2001) developed a method for filtering OLR in real-time to identify, track, and predict the MJO and equatorial waves. This webpage expands on their …
馬登-朱利安振盪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
馬登-朱利安振盪(Madden Julian Oscillation, MJO),也称热带季节内振荡或30-60日振盪。在北半球冬季,熱帶赤道地區有著顯著對流與無對流區塊交替出現的變化,主要以約30-60天的週 …
OLR animations: MJO, ER, Kelvin, MRG: NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
Map sequence for the most recent 40 days of the OLR anomalies filtered for the various wavenumber-frequency domains defined in Fig. 1a or 1b. The first panel corresponds to the …
NCL: Madden Julian Oscillation Climate Variability
2016年7月29日 · Active MJO periods and MJO Forecasts. When focusing on a specific period, several examples use the winter of 1996-1997. This was a particulary active period and is …
CPC - Climate Weather Linkage: Madden - Julian Oscillation
2005年12月12日 · A subgroup was organized to focus on MJO operational prediction and was tasked to develop a MJO forecast metric for comparison of dynamical models from operational …
OLR Modes of Coherent Tropical Convective Variability: NOAA …
2009年12月20日 · These modes are identified as spectral peaks (the shading) in a wavenumber-frequency spectrum analysis of a long record of satellite-observed OLR, a good proxy for deep …
Daily MJO Indices - Climate Prediction Center
2005年12月19日 · Forecast of MJO associated anomalous OLR for the next 15 days from the ensemble mean GFS based on forecasts of RMM1 and RMM2. Blue (yellow/red) shades show …
NCL提取MJO八个位相 - CSDN博客
原代码在 NCl 官网MJO板块可以找到: NCL: Madden Julian Oscillation Climate Variability. 分别是mjoclivar2,mjoclivar14,mjoclivar16. 所需要的数据为olr,u850,v850和u200.我这里用的 …
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