Raufoss Mk 211 - Wikipedia
The Raufoss Mk 211 is a .50 BMG (12.7×99mm NATO) multi-purpose anti-material high-explosive incendiary/armor-piercing ammunition projectile produced by Nammo under the model name NM140 MP. [1] It is commonly referred to as multipurpose or Raufoss , …
子弹科普:MK211 MOD 0 - 哔哩哔哩
Raufoss Mk 211 是一种.50 BMG(12.7×99毫米 NATO)多用途反物资高爆燃烧/穿甲弹,由Nammo生产,型号为NM140 MP。 它通常被称为多用途弹或Raufoss,这在挪威语中意为“红色瀑布”。
mk211 mod 0 穿甲燃烧弹的原理是啥,具体效果又怎样? - 知乎
mk211 mod 0 穿甲燃烧弹的原理是啥,具体效果又怎样? 这是口径为12.7x99的一种穿甲爆破燃烧弹,配用西方国家常见的M2、M3系列大口径机枪。 它的穿甲作用依靠弹体中间的钨合金弹芯,弹芯前端还装有 燃烧剂 (红色部分)和炸药(紫色部分),当击中目标时,硬度很大的钨合金弹芯侵彻目标,同时挤压燃烧剂和炸药引爆,扩大穿甲后的杀伤后效。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、 …
2022年9月1日 · 以Raufoss Mk 211高爆穿甲燃烧弹头来说,空气动力学流体结构的黄铜外壳内分别包裹有混合燃烧物、烈性炸药、锆粉、碳化钨贯穿弹芯和固定的钢架等组成。
Raufoss Mk 211 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Raufoss Mk 211, officially designated Mk 211 Mod 0 by the U.S. Navy/Crane-USSOCOM, also known as the NM140 MP, is a multipurpose anti-matériel high-explosive incendiary/armor-piercing ammunition projectile for the .50 BMG (12.7x99mm NATO). It was made by the Norwegian company Nammo AS...
Lake City .50 BMG Raufoss MK 211 Mod 0 HEIAP 665 GR - War …
Experience the pinnacle of ammunition technology with the Lake City .50 BMG Raufoss MK 211 Mod 0 HEIAP (High Explosive Incendiary Armor Piercing) 665 Grain rounds. Designed for maximum impact and versatility, this ammunition is ideal for military and law enforcement applications where stopping power and penetration are critical.
.50bmg...difference between the Raufoss Mk211 and API/APIT? - AR15.COM
2019年7月7日 · SLAP rounds will penetrate as much or more than raufous will, the penetrator is hardened just like the Mk-211. Where the 211 round comes into it's own is it's ability to start fires in or on a target causing secondary ignitions. One way to tell 211 from other ammo is the tip itself, the nose is more round and the body is fatter than API.
Mark 211 .50-caliber Multipurpose Ammunition - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · It is specifically tailored to the Mark 211 (Mk211) .50-caliber multipurpose anti-materiel round. The Raufoss Multipurpose (armor-piercing, explosive, incendiary) Ammunition is the crown jewel...
如何权衡破甲弹的炸高和威力? - 知乎
美国军方选用后, 给了他一个美军编号--"Mk.211 Mod 0"穿甲焚烧弹, 简称Raufoss Mk.211 API. 弹头尖尖涂绿色和一道白圈(略微留意就能发现, 最近这种弹的出镜率很高).
2006年10月1日 · The U.S. Navy designation is Mk. 211, MOD O (Grade A) or MOD 1 (Grade B). Grade A ammunition is bulk packed without links for Navy and Marine Corps sniper use. Grade B, less accurate than Grade A, is linked for machinegun use.