Mk 48 machine gun - Wikipedia
The Mk 48 Mod 0 is a gas-operated, air-cooled, fully automatic belt-fed machine gun. The design is based on an early 7.62×51mm NATO prototype of the FN Minimi , modified to be a scaled-up version of the 5.56 mm Mk 46 Mod 0 .
Mk48 MOD 0/1 - 枪炮世界
mk48 mod0将会提供比mk46 mod0和m249 saw更强的的火力(射程和终点效能),而且比m240更轻,比mk43 mod0更可靠。特种部队将同时装备mk46 mod0与mk48 mod0。不过由于弹药威力较大,虽然部件作了强化,但全枪寿命仍然是比m249要短。
Mk 48輕量化機槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
2009年—《武裝行動2》:型號為Mk 48 Mod 0,由美國海軍陸戰隊偵察兵和三角洲特種部隊士兵所使用,作為主要支援武器,連M68 Aimpoint 紅點鏡,沙漠迷彩塗裝。 2009年—《閃擊點行動:龍之崛起》:型號為Mk 48 Mod 0,命名為「Mk48 Mod 0」,由美國海軍陸戰隊員所使用。
Mk 48型魚雷 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Mk 48型魚雷 (Mark 48 torpedo)是 美國海軍 潛艦 的主力重型 魚雷,能夠對付水面與水下的各類目標,也是美國官方公開描述,可以達到 蘇聯 阿爾發級潛艇 的潛深(800公尺)並且予以追蹤攻擊的魚雷 [9]。 除了美國海軍以外,也同時外銷到其他國家的海軍。 Mk 48歷經多次升級改良,1971年生產的Mod 0原始版本僅供技術測試,1972年的Mod 1是初始服役版本,至1980年代升級到Mod 4,1980年代後期的Mod 5屬於性能經過大幅提升的先進能力(ADCAP)版本,往後 …
and MK reliable 48 Mod open-cycle 6AT Propulsion System is an extremely robust, safe, variable speeds, long endurance, propulsion system both providing shallow- and operation. It...
Mk 48 Machine Gun | US Special Operations | Weapons
The Mk 48 is a gas-operated, air-cooled, belt-fed machine gun. The Mod 0 features a fixed, polymer buttstock. Unlike the Mk 46, the Mk 48 features a tripod-mounting lug. The weapon is is lighter than the M240 and more reliable than the Mk 43 …
MK-48輕機槍將會提供比Mk46 MOD0和M249 SAW更強的的火力(射程和終點效能),而且比M240更輕,比Mk43 MOD0更可靠。 特種部隊將同時裝備Mk46 MOD0與MK-48 輕機槍。 由於是Mk46 MOD0的放大,MK-48輕機槍也是導氣式原理,彈鏈式供彈,導氣系統也是沒有調節功能。 MK-48輕機槍採用標準的7.62mm可散彈鏈,不能用 彈匣 供彈,彈鏈可放在能掛在槍身下的100發彈袋或彈箱中(和Mk46 MOD0一樣)。 槍管可以快速更換,並有一個提把用於卸下灼熱的槍 …
Mk.48 mod.0 - Modern Firearms
The Mk.48 mod. 0 7.62mm LWMG (Lightweight Machine gun) is being developed by the FN Manufacturing Inc. (an US-based outfit of famous Belgian company FN Herstal). The request for new weapon came in 2001, and the first units in the US Special Operations Forces are scheduled to receive this machine guns in august, 2003.
FN MK 48 MOD 0 7.62mm Lightweight Machine Gun for U.S.
2004年6月10日 · Let's put it this way, the FN MK48 MOD 0 LWMG is a much lighter-weight and better-handling package than the FN M240B 7.62mm GPMG (modified FN MAG-58). The MK 48 MOD 0 LWMG is even lighter than the M60E4/MK43 Mod 0 7.62mm GPMG, which weighs 22.5 lbs at a length of 37.7 inches (overall length) with the shortest barrel.
FN® MK 48 MOD 1
The FN® MK 48 MOD 1 brings the extended range and greater penetration of the hard-hitting 7.62x51mm round in a lighter, more compact platform. In use by U.S. special operators, it was designed to be light and compact enough to keep up with fast-moving troops as they maneuver on and close with the enemy.