Mk48.io is a multiplayer ship combat game. It is free to play online in a web browser with no install required. Start with a small warship and defeat rival players or collect floating barrels to earn …
Mk 48 machine gun - Wikipedia
The Mark 48, or Mk 48, is a belt-fed general-purpose machine gun developed and manufactured by Fabrique Nationale Manufacturing Inc., a division of FN Herstal based in the United States, for the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).
Mk 48輕量化機槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Mk 48是與 美國特種作戰司令部 (英語: United States Special Operations Command,簡稱:USSOCOM,轄下部隊包括 DEVGRU 、 Delta Force 和 綠色貝雷帽 等著名特種部隊)所聯手研發,並且在美國特種部隊司令部採用了這件武器後開始發配至旗下的 特種作戰部隊。
FN® MK 48 MOD 2 | FN® Firearms
The FN® MK 48 MOD 2 brings the extended range and greater penetration of the hard-hitting 7.62x51mm round in a lighter, more compact platform. In use by U.S. special operators, it was designed to be light and compact enough to keep up with fast-moving troops as they maneuver on and close with the enemy.
MK-48轻机枪原属特种部队专用,质量颇受好评,比美国陆军的通用机枪M240B轻30%,便于在复杂环境下由单兵携带,使用的是北约7.62×51毫米(弹径×弹长)标准弹。 部分驻阿富汗美军现已小规模换装。
Mk 48 Machine Gun | US Special Operations | Weapons
The Mk 48 is a variant of the Mk 46 (a M249 SAW variant) that has been scaled up to fire 7.62x51mm NATO rounds. The weapon was developed for use by United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) units. The aim was to produce a portable machine gun with the firepower of the M240 or M60.
Mk 48型魚雷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mk 48型魚雷 (Mark 48 torpedo)是 美國海軍 潛艦 的主力重型 魚雷,能夠對付水面與水下的各類目標,也是美國官方公開描述,可以達到 蘇聯 阿爾發級潛艇 的潛深(800公尺)並且予以追蹤攻擊的魚雷 [9]。 除了美國海軍以外,也同時外銷到其他國家的海軍。 Mk 48歷經多次升級改良,1971年生產的Mod 0原始版本僅供技術測試,1972年的Mod 1是初始服役版本,至1980年代升級到Mod 4,1980年代後期的Mod 5屬於性能經過大幅提升的先進能力(ADCAP)版本,往後 …
Mk 48型魚雷 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Mk 48型魚雷 (Mark 48 torpedo)是 美國海軍 潛艦 的主力重型 魚雷,能夠對付水面與水下的各類目標,也是美國官方公開描述,可以達到 蘇聯 阿爾發級潛艇 的潛深(800公尺)並且予以追蹤攻擊的魚雷 [9]。 除了美國海軍以外,也同時外銷到其他國家的海軍。 Mk 48歷經多次升級改良,1971年生產的Mod 0原始版本僅供技術測試,1972年的Mod 1是初始服役版本,至1980年代升級到Mod 4,1980年代後期的Mod 5屬於性能經過大幅提升的先進能力(ADCAP)版本,往後 …
New FN MK48 machine gun could address SOCOM’s desire for …
FN America says its new version of the MK48 may address SOCOM’s desire for an assault machine gun and new caliber round. The military small arms manufacturer on Tuesday unveiled a new prototype...
FN MK 48 MOD 0 7.62mm Lightweight Machine Gun for U.S.
2004年6月10日 · Let's put it this way, the FN MK48 MOD 0 LWMG is a much lighter-weight and better-handling package than the FN M240B 7.62mm GPMG (modified FN MAG-58). The MK 48 MOD 0 LWMG is even lighter than the M60E4/MK43 Mod 0 7.62mm GPMG, which weighs 22.5 lbs at a length of 37.7 inches (overall length) with the shortest barrel.
FN MK48 MOD2 7.62mm Belt-Fed Machine Gun
The FN MK48 MOD2 7.62mm Belt-Fed Machine Gun brings the extended range and greater penetration of the hard-hitting 7.62x51mm round in a lighter, more compact platform. In use by U.S. special operators, it was designed to be light and compact enough to keep up with fast-moving troops as they maneuver on and close with the enemy.
FN® MK 48 MOD 1 | FN® Firearms
The FN® MK 48 MOD 1 brings the extended range and greater penetration of the hard-hitting 7.62x51mm round in a lighter, more compact platform. In use by U.S. special operators, it was …
• MK48 MOD1 Upgrades: • Improve Sustained ROF / Thermal Management. • Integrated Army / ONR High Performance Barrel. • Improve Parts as necessary to resist heat. • Provide for Active and Passive Air Cooling. • Increase Reliability / Reduce Lubrication Needed. • MK48 required extra CLP lubrication during an Army test.
THE MK48 - Small Arms Review
2003年7月1日 · The MK48 is compatible with all US issue 7.62x51mm ammunition, as well as all NATO spec ammo. It utilizes the standard metallic disintegrating links used by the M60 and M240 systems. During testing, M80 / M62 4&1 ammo and blanks were used.
Mk 48型鱼雷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mk 48型鱼雷 (Mark 48 torpedo)是 美国海军 潜舰 的主力重型 鱼雷,能够对付水面与水下的各类目标,也是美国官方公开描述,可以达到 苏联 阿尔发级潜艇 的潜深(800公尺)并且予以追踪攻击的鱼雷 [9]。 除了美国海军以外,也同时外销到其他国家的海军。 Mk 48历经多次升级改良,1971年生产的Mod 0原始版本仅供技术测试,1972年的Mod 1是初始服役版本,至1980年代升级到Mod 4,1980年代后期的Mod 5属于性能经过大幅提升的先进能力(ADCAP)版本,往后 …
Mk 48 machine gun - Wikiwand
The Mk 48 Mod 0 is a gas-operated, air-cooled, fully automatic belt-fed machine gun. The design is based on an early 7.62×51mm NATO prototype of the FN Minimi, modified to be a scaled-up version of the 5.56 mm Mk 46 Mod 0.
SOCOM Orders More MK46 and MK48 Light Machine Guns
2018年9月4日 · The Department of Defense has announced the award of an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract to FN for an undisclosed number of MK46 and MK48 light machine guns for US SOCOM. The $13.5 million contract was awarded on 31st August, and along with the guns includes spare parts and engineering support services.
Mk 48 machine gun | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Mark 48, or Mk 48 is a lightweight belt-fed machine gun, firing 7.62×51mm NATO cartridges from a disintegrating belt of ammunition. It is manufactured by Fabrique Nationale Manufacturing, Inc., a division of FN Herstal based in the United States.
Mk 48 machine gun explained - Everything Explained Today
The Mark 48, or Mk 48, is a belt-fed general-purpose machine gun chambered for 7.62×51mm NATO cartridges, fed from a disintegrating belt (M13 link) or the non-disintegrating segmented German DM1 belt of ammunition. It is manufactured by Fabrique Nationale Manufacturing Inc., a division of FN Herstal based in the United States.
SOCOM Is Doubling Down On The ‘Super SAW’ Machine Gun
2018年9月5日 · U.S. Special Operations Command plans on continuing to equip operators with FN America’s Mk 46 spec-ops designed M249 Squad Automatic Weapon variant and the beefed-up Mk 48 “super SAW,” doubling...
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