Mark 82 bomb - Wikipedia
The Mark 82 is a 500-pound (230 kg) unguided, low- drag general-purpose bomb, part of the United States Mark 80 series. The explosive filling is usually tritonal, though other compositions have sometimes been used. A B-2 Spirit dropping Mk82 bombs into the Pacific Ocean in a 1994 training exercise off Point Mugu, California.
The Mk 82 500-lb General Purpose (GP) is a high explosive bomb which can be configured in either a low drag, high drag, laser guided or shallow water mode depending upon the operational requirement.
Mk 82 Aircraft Bomb - GICHD
The Mk 82 and its variants are 500-pound (227 kg) class, low-drag, general-purpose aircraft bombs containing 89 kg of high explosive. Originally dropped as an unguided bomb (sometimes referred to as an ‘iron’ or ‘dumb’ bomb), early versions of the Mk 82 were only able to hit their target 5.5% of the time, requiring large numbers of ...
Mk 80系列炸弹 - 百度百科
MK81/82/83/84 (LDGPB)低阻爆破炸弹,是美国海军在20世纪50年代初为高速飞机外挂投弹研制的新型航空炸弹,形成著名的MK80低阻炸弹系列,是美国陆、海、空三军广泛装备使用的航空炸弹,同时也是现有各型减速炸弹和制导炸弹改进发展的基本弹型。 [1] MK 80系列炸弹的,是以及许多国家使用中的无导引,传统炸药的空用炸弹。 同时也是诸多精确制导武器的主体,譬如以GPS/惯性导引为组合的联合直接攻击弹药就是采用这一系列的炸弹为主体。
In this report we discuss in detail the drag characteristics of Mk 82 GPLD bomb as obtained from aeroballistic range trials conducted by Weapons Systems Division (WSD) using a well tested photogrammetric technique. Mk 82 GPLD bomb has various configurations depending on the aircraft on which it is carried.
Aerodynamic Database for the Mk 82 General Purpose Low Drag …
The drag database of the Mk 82 General Purpose Low Drag bomb, the primary gravity weapon in the RAAF inventory, has some shortcomings in the quality and traceability of data, and in the variations due to configurational differences.
An Aerodynamic Database for the Mk 82 General Purpose Low Drag …
1997年7月1日 · Extensive testing of scaled models in a wind tunnel and an aeroballistic range facility have resulted in establishing estimates of the drag of a clean Mk 82 bomb as well as the incremental drag of add ons such as lugs and fuzes.
DTIC ADA329921: An Aerodynamic Database for the Mk 82 …
1997年7月1日 · The drag database of the Mk 82 General Purpose Low Drag bomb, the primary gravity weapon in the RAAF inventory, has some shortcomings in the quality and traceability of data, and in the variations due to configurational differences.
(PDF) Evaluation of aerodynamic derivatives of Mk82 bomb …
2013年7月2日 · Extensive testing of scaled models in a wind tunnel and an aeroballistic range facility have resulted in establishing estimates of the drag of a clean Mk 82 bomb as well as the incremental...
MK82 - Dumb Bombs - GlobalSecurity.org
2017年6月12日 · The MK82 AIR is a 500 pound bomb modified with a BSU-49/B high drag tail assembly. The "ballute" air bag which deploys from the tail provides a high speed, low altitude delivery capability by...