MLDP - Managed Lands Deer Program - Texas Parks & Wildlife …
The Conservation Option (CO) offers program participants the opportunity to work with a TPWD biologist to receive customized, ranch-specific habitat and deer harvest recommendations and MLDP tag issuance for white-tailed deer and/or mule deer.
MLDP tags are valid only for the specific tract of land for which they were issued. A properly executed MLDP tag meets “proof-of-sex” requirements. There is no personal or annual bag limit for the type of deer for which MLDP tags have been issued; however, every deer killed must be tagged with an appropriate MLDP tag.
All hunters are required to possess the appropriate Resident or Non-resident General hunting license. A hunter harvesting a deer that is required to be tagged with a MLDP tag must enter and complete all required information in the log on the same day of harvest.
Texas - Land Management Assistance
Welcome to TPWD’s Land Management Assistance (LMA) website. This site will assist Texas land managers interested in technical guidance from TPWD for wildlife habitat management, including MLDP participation. Create or log in with your account to …
Managed Lands Deer Permit - Texas Wildlife Management
All deer harvested on a property with an MLD permit are required to be tagged with MLD tags provided by the state. There is no limit to the number of tags one hunter may use from the quota issued. Therefore, individual bag limits typically set by your regular hunting license tags are disregarded on an MLD property. Level 3.
MLDP Harvest Option Tag Estimator | Land Management …
Map an area on your property to estimate how many Tags would be issued under the MLDP Harvest Option. If you decide to enroll in the MLDP Harvest Option, create a new account or access your existing account and register your property to submit your enrollment request.
MLDP Harvest Option Tag Estimator - MLDP Tags - Buck Manager
2017年7月12日 · Interested in MLDP tags this season? Find out how the MLDP Harvest Option tag estimator can issue deer tags for your property for the deer hunting season.
MLD Program - MLD Permits - MLDP Requirements - Deer Hunting in Texas
2012年3月25日 · Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's (TPWD) Managed Lands Deer Permit Program, commonly referred to as the MLD Permit Program, is an integral part of white-tailed deer hunting in Texas. Many landowners are involved in the MLD Program because they are interested in habitat management, deer management …
Managed Lands Deer Permits for Deer Management - Texas …
2013年1月24日 · The MLDP program is a habitat-based program designed for landowners interested in white-tailed deer management and it is one of the many voluntary programs offered by Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD).
A Guide: The Texas Wildlife Management Program (MLD Program)
MLDP is a voluntary program designed to encourage sound management of deer populations and their habitat on private lands. By participating, you'll receive science-based harvest recommendations and extended seasons, allowing you to …