[2009.07058] MLMLM: Link Prediction with Mean Likelihood Masked ...
2020年9月15日 · We propose to perform link prediction with MLMs to address both the KBs scalability issues and the MLMs interpretability issues. To do that we introduce MLMLM, Mean Likelihood Masked Language Model, an approach comparing the mean likelihood of generating the different entities to perform link prediction in a tractable manner.
MLMLM: Link Prediction with Mean Likelihood Masked Language Model
MLMLM is a link prediction model using Mean Likelihood Masked Language Model.
Masked Language Models (MLMs), such as BERT, scale with computing power as well as unstruc-tured raw text data. The knowledge contained within these models is however not directly in-terpretable. We propose to perform link pre-diction with MLMs to address both the KBs scalability issues and the MLMs interpretabil-ity issues.
MLMLM: Link Prediction with Mean Likelihood Masked Language Model
2025年3月10日 · Louis Clouatre, Philippe Trempe, Amal Zouaq, and Sarath Chandar. 2021. MLMLM: Link Prediction with Mean Likelihood Masked Language Model. In Findings of the …
MLMLM:BertMLM语言模型在知识图谱-链路预测中的应用 - 知乎
本文是论文 MLMLM: Link Prediction with Mean Likelihood Masked Language Model 的一些笔记与实验心得,该论文是2020年发表在arxiv上的一篇文章,用来解决 知识图谱 -链路预测(Link Prediction)的问题,目前文章好像还没有被录用。 在 paperswithcode 网站上看到,该文章目前在链路预测数据集 WN18RR 的 HITS@10 指标位列榜首。 原论文地址: MLMLM模型主要包含两部分: 原始样本是 <实体1,关系,实体2> 三元组的形式。
[2009.07058] MLMLM: Link Prediction with Mean Likelihood …
2024年3月8日 · Knowledge Bases (KBs) are easy to query, verifiable, and interpretable. They however scale with man-hours and high-quality data. Masked Language Models (MLMs), such as BERT, scale with computing power as well as unstru…
MLMLM: Link Prediction with Mean Likelihood Masked Language Model
We propose to perform link prediction with MLMs to address both the KBs scalability issues and the MLMs interpretability issues. To do that we introduce MLMLM, Mean Likelihood Masked Language Model, an approach comparing the mean likelihood of generating the different entities to perform link prediction in a tractable manner.
MLMLM: Link Prediction with Mean Likelihood Masked Language …
2020年9月15日 · This work introduces MLMLM, Mean Likelihood Masked Language Model, an approach comparing the mean likelihood of generating the different entities to perform link prediction in a tractable manner, and obtains convincing results …
MLMLM: Link Prediction with Mean Likelihood Masked Language …
2020年9月15日 · We propose to perform link prediction with MLMs to address both the KBs scalability issues and the MLMs interpretability issues. To do that we introduce MLMLM, Mean Likelihood Masked Language...
MLMLM: Link Prediction with Mean Likelihood Masked Language …
2021年1月1日 · MLMLM [3] proposes a mean likelihood method to compare the likelihood of different text of different token lengths sampled from a Masked LM to perform LP. Even though both of these approaches could...