MLVM - Wikipedia
MLVM is a specialized vehicle designed breasted mountain. The hull is inspired from SU-76 tank destroyer but is substantially modified for rough terrain. The turret is the same as that installed on the Romanian TAB-71M (8 × 8) APC. This turret is recognisable by the large day sight mounted on the left side, which is provided with a protective ...
MLVM (Masina de Lupta a Vanatorilor de Munte) - Military Factory
2018年10月11日 · Modern Romanian Land Forces have access to a relatively deep stable of tracked and wheeled armored vehicles. One of the former is the MLVM ("Masina de Lupta a Vanatorilor de Munte") with qualities akin to an Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) but classified locally as an Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV).
MLVM - Army Guide
The MLVM (Masina de Lupta a Vinatorilor de Munte) has been designed in Romania specifically for use in mountainous terrain and can carry an assault group of seven men as well as its two-man crew, which consists of commander and driver. It can also be used to carry stores and ammunition in the forward battlefield area.
Romania (Modern) - Tank Encyclopedia
The MLVM (Mașina de Lupta a Vânătorilor de Munte) was designed in the 1980s as a light IFV for the mountain troops, with the SU-76 as inspiration. To upgrade it to NATO standards, it received the same upgrades as the MLI-84M1, including the OWS 25R unmanned turret with the 25 mm Oerlikon autocannon, new FCS, smoke grenade launchers, and a ...
The Romanian MLVM Infantry Fighting Vehicle - TankNutDave.com
The Romanian MLVM Infantry Fighting Vehicle was designed for operations in Romania’s rugged mountains. It is used as both a personnel carrier and a logistical support vehicle, and is designed to carry either a small squad of troops or supplies and ammunition.
戰士步兵戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
武士步兵战车,是英国陆军的一系列装甲车,最初是为了代替老旧的 FV430鬥牛犬系列裝甲車 (英语:FV430 series)。 武士最初的叫法是 MCV-80 也就是“1980 年机械化战车”。 在研发的时候,新车有一项要求,那边是可以跟上新研发的主战坦克: MBT-80 – 后来项目取消并被 挑战者1 给代替 – 而当时的 FV432 (英语:FV432) 并做不到这一点。 这一项目与1972开始,而 GKN 桑基公司在1984年获得了生产合同,并在同年11月装备 英國陸軍。 GKN后来被 贝宜系统 …
MLVM (pásový OT) : Romania (ROM) - Armedconflicts.com
Svařované ocelové pláty, poskytující ochranu proti lehkým pěchotním zbraním a střepinám z ručních granátů. Welded steel plates, providing protection against light infantry arms and shell fragments from hand grenades. Měrný výkon 11,53 kW/t. Objem palivové soustavy 480 litrů. Rychlost plavby 5 až 6 km/h. Height to ceiling bucket 5ft 1in.
IFV/MLI ASCOD - Romania Military
2022年6月8日 · As prefera CV90 IFV cu tun de 35-40mm, sa fie mai eficient de la distanta mai mare impotriva blindatelor rusesti, in loc de Puma cu tunul de 30mm. Pe langa asta, CV90 e modular, se poate lua si aruncator de obuze, vehicul de comanda, etc. Se poate integra Iron Fist pe CV90, daca vrei mai multa protectie.
MLVM (Masina de Lupta a Vanatorilor de Munte) - tvd.im
A modernized form is the "MLVM-M" which, like the MLI-84 IFV (detailed elsewhere on this page), replaces the original Soviet-style turret with an Israeli weapons station. The weapon station is equipped with a 25mm Oerlikon cannon, a 7.62mm machine gun and two anti-tank missile (ATGM) launchers, greatly extending the lethality of the vehicle.
Romanian Tanks and AFVs of the cold war (1947-90) - Tank …
These locally produced models were the TAB-71 , TAB-77 and TABC-79 APCs (4×4 variant of the latter), and later B33 Zimbru and MLI-84 and MLVM (local IFV). TR-580 at the Ferdinand Museum. Romania relied chiefly on T-55As, modernized into …