Canadian MLVW (M35CDN) - Facebook
A group dedicated to sharing knowledge and information regarding the Bombardier Canada version of tbe venerable M35 Deuce. Only members can see who's in the group and what they …
The Canadian MLVW Truck - TankNutDave.com
The Canadian MLVW Truck license built versions of the US M35 (and M36 variant) military trucks & been in Canadian Army service since 1982.
Medium Logistic Vehicle Wheeled Kitting System C-30-570 …
Medium Logistic Vehicle Wheeled Kitting System C-30-570-000/JD-OOT. In 1982 the Canadian Army adopted licensed versions of the American M35 (and M36 variant) trucks built in Canada …
M35CDN - 27 Years On - MLU FORUM
Here are two images of M35CDN 58662 taken 27 years apart, almost on the same date and in nearly the same location. The black and white image was taken at a 1983 display of then new …
Canadian Forces Base Borden - 70 | GMC 2 1/2 Ton Truck - Flickr
2013年11月15日 · Known officially in Canada as M35CDN or M36CDN depending on the wheel base, and also as the Multi-Logistics Vehicle Wheeled (MLVW). GMC 2 1/2 Ton Truck - The …
Differance between the MLVW and the M35 Trucks - Army.ca
2011年1月2日 · What is the differance between the Canadian MLVW and the U.S.A.'s M35 truck? I am looking at building a MLVW but have only found the American truck.
2023年2月14日 · MLVW轻型轮式(物流)车辆正在加拿大武装部队服役。 它基于过时的美国M35载货卡车设计,可追溯到20世纪50年代,但加拿大版本包括许多修改。
Canadian M35 (MLVW) For sale. - SteelSoldiers
2008年6月23日 · The Canadian MLVW Deuces were built by Bombardier in Montreal under license. About 2700 or so were built in the early 1980'. They do have some upgrades, …
Have truck will travel | Canadian Gun Nutz
2008年10月24日 · The M35Cdn was based on the US M35, but has some pretty unique features. The engine/tranny are the Detroit Diesel 8.2 fuel pincher engine, and the transmission is an …
Canadian Deuce | SteelSoldiers
2018年5月2日 · I thought I post some pictures of our Canadian version of the M35 deuce, otherwise known as an MLVW (medium logistics vehicle wheeled). This workhorse has been …