STICKY: All about accelerated video on the Raspberry Pi [thanks all ...
2021年8月6日 · Run under Full KMS, which is the most future-proof and open source interface. If you need Broadcom proprietary APIs, prefer MMAL to OMX. They're both deprecated and …
MMAL vs. libcamera - Raspberry Pi Forums
2017年8月25日 · Questions: Will MMAL headers and object modules be available for compiling and linking going forward? If not, what is the last version that includes these? Are the old …
How to build ffmpeg with hardware decoding support for …
2020年8月4日 · Is it possible to build ffmpeg with decoding support for Raspberry Pi? I've read that mmal can do hardware accelerated decoding on the Raspberry Pi. I've tried on debian 10 …
FFmpeg hardware acceleration on Raspberry PI - Stack Overflow
2019年1月16日 · The ffmpeg package from apt now comes with hardware codecs enabled so you can just install that using: sudo apt install ffmpeg There are a few hardware enabled codecs on …
Pi camera: mmal:No data received from sensor - Stack Overflow
2015年11月17日 · This question has been asked before but the solution did not solve my problem. When I connect my Pi camera to my Raspberry Pi and use the command: raspistill -o …
Solved - VLC New Builds and Updates not Loading mmal Modules
2017年3月30日 · In the last couple of days, users have reported that, after updates or new builds, VLC no longer works for them. My intial investigations suggest that the cause is that the …
Motion - MMAL camera - Raspberry Pi Forums
2013年6月23日 · I personally haven't been experiencing freezes, and have had motion-mmal running for half an hour successfully (then stopped it myself). Please supply a copy of your …
Recommended reading for MMAL - Raspberry Pi Forums
2015年8月6日 · The MMAL documentation doesn't really attempt to explain what the library does and how it works. What's needed is a functional description of the processor systems that it …
Missing libmmal.so with picamera library - Stack Overflow
2015年1月5日 · After installing the picamera library using pip, whenever I import the library I get this error: OSError: libmmal.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I am …
MMAL vs V4L2 - Raspberry Pi Forums
2018年11月28日 · MMAL and V4L2 are two APIs for multimedia. MMAL is Broadcom specific, but exposes all the features of the hardware. V4L2 is defined by a group of Linux kernel …