Mitsubishi Motors Australia announces senior leadership changes
Kiyohiko Ito will join the MMAL team as Chief Financial Officer, and comes with substantial experience as CFO in various international Mitsubishi markets including Russia, Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Car industry People | News | GoAuto
2022年6月20日 · MITSUBISHI Motors Australia Limited (MMAL) has undertaken a key management personnel reshuffle, ushering in new blood as the company enjoys a strong start to 2022. Kiyohiko Ito joins as chief financial officer and comes with substantial experience as a CFO in various international Mitsubishi markets including Russia, Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Management moves at Mitsubishi - GoAutoNews Premium
2022年6月20日 · MITSUBISHI Motors Australia Limited (MMAL) has undertaken a key management personnel reshuffle, ushering in new blood as the company enjoys a strong start to 2022. Kiyohiko Ito joins as chief financial officer and comes with substantial experience as a CFO in various international Mitsubishi markets including Russia, Europe, Middle East and Africa.
New CFO for Mitsubishi Australia - GoAutoNews Premium
2021年4月5日 · BETH McKenzie has been appointed as Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited’s chief financial officer (CFO), reporting directly to MMAL CEO Shaun Westcott. MMAL said Ms McKenzie brings an outstanding track record in senior management roles across a diverse and broad range of industries including mining, energy, logistics and education.
Car industry People | News | GoAuto
2021年4月5日 · BETH McKenzie has been appointed as Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited’s chief financial officer (CFO), reporting directly to MMAL CEO Shaun Westcott. MMAL said Ms …
Mitsubishi Motors Australia Management Team | Org Chart
Mitsubishi Motors Australia employs 351 employees. The Mitsubishi Motors Australia management team includes Mark Tiddy (CIO, CISO and Head of Information Services), Peter Gillam (HEAD OF P and A SALES AND MARKETING), and Jonathon Porcelli (General Manager - Financial Control).
2020年3月11日 · mmal : ミツビシ・モーターズ・オーストラリア・リミテッド <参考情報> 意思決定の迅速化とコミュニケーションの円滑化などを目的に、4月1日付で以下の制度変更を実施する。
Mitsubishi Motors strengthens management in the Philippines …
2017年6月26日 · Mutsuhiro Oshikiri, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited (MMAL), is to succeed Yoshiaki Kato as President and CEO of Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Corporation (MMPC).
MMAL Archives
2020年7月28日 · Mitsubishi sales spike to double that of Toyota but MMAL points to fleet business
三菱自、2020/4/1付の執行役・執行役員人事など | NEXT …
2020年3月11日 · 三菱自動車工業は、2020/4/1付の執行役・執行役員の体制とその他重要人事を、以下の通り発表した。 ・TCS:トータル・カスタマー・サティスファクション。 ・CIO:チーフ・インフォメーション・オフィサー。 ・EVP : エグゼクティブ・バイス・プレジデント。 ・QCT : クオリティ・コスト・タイム。 ・SCM : サプライ・チェーン・マネジメント。 ・SCVE : セグメント・チーフ・ビークル・エンジニア。 ・MMR : ミツビシ・モーターズ・ルス・リ …