Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army - Wikipedia
The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) [n 1] is an armed resistance group in the Kokang region of Myanmar (Burma). The army has existed since 1989, having been the first one to sign a ceasefire agreement with the Burmese government. The ceasefire lasted for about two decades. [5][6]
緬甸民族民主同盟軍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
緬甸民族民主同盟軍 (緬甸語: မြန်မာအမျိုးသား ဒီမိုကရက်တစ် မဟာမိတ်တပ်မတေ),又被稱作 果敢民族民主同盟軍,是 緬甸聯邦第一特區 (果敢)事實上的執政黨 緬甸民族正義黨 所領導的 少數民族武裝部隊。 其前身是 緬甸人民军 东北军区的 果敢 、 勐古 等县驻军,1989年3月11日脫離緬共後成立。 現編有211旅、311旅、511旅、611旅4個旅,總部位於 果敢 老街。 1989年3月11日, 彭家声 、 杨茂良 、 刘国玺 等缅共东北区高级军 …
缅甸民族民主同盟军 - 百度百科
缅甸民族民主同盟军(缅甸语:မြန်မာအမျိုးသား ဒီမိုကရက်တစ် မဟာမိတ်တပ်မတေ [20],英语:Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army [21]),又称为果敢同盟军 [18],缩写MNDAA,为缅甸掸邦的武装组织,是缅甸少数派军事武装“三兄弟联盟”成员 [22],原领导者为缅甸掸邦第一特区主席 彭家声,现任总司令为 彭德仁。 [8] 1968年后缅甸人民军进驻果敢,1989年果敢成立“缅甸民族民主同盟军”,同年获缅政府承认成立“第一特区”。 该 …
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) (2022 – …
2013年6月6日 · The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), which split from the Communist Party of Burma (CPB), and has had a ceasefire agreement with the military government since its formation in 1989, is based in Kokang Special Region (1) in Shan State.
Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance – Making the World a Safer Place
2025年3月11日 · The Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance is honored to announce LT Kristen Damico as the Spring 2025 Rear Admiral Kate Paige. SSG Joshua Patch is currently assigned as the NCOIC of Avenger Team 10, 3rd Squad, Shooter Battery, 1st Platoon, 1-174 Air Defense Artillery Regiment.
Myanmar govt and MNDAA sign ceasefire agreement with China’s …
2025年1月20日 · When asked for details that Myanmar's Tatmadaw and ethnic armed organization Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) held peace talks and signed a ceasefire agreement in Kunming,...
(旅遊警示燈號:黃色) 緬甸於2023年10月27日發生武裝攻擊,建議 …
2023年11月9日 · 一、2023年10月27日凌晨起,緬甸北部「民族民主同盟軍」 (MMDAA)以清剿詐騙集團為由,對撣邦若干城鎮政府軍發動武裝攻擊,衝突區域遍及撣邦北部、克欽邦、實階省及上曼德地區,並持續擴大。
Factbox - The MNDAA: Myanmar's crowdfunding ethnic insurgent …
The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) is among the myriad armed groups that have kept Myanmar in a state of near-perpetual civil war...
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) - The …
Peng Daxun, the head of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, is reportedly under house arrest in Yunnan. Min Aung Hlaing's visit to Kunming seems to mark a watershed in Beijing's policy...
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