Name for 'mmm' sound - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年10月13日 · like MMM-mmm or mmm-MMM, which can respectively be 'no' and 'yes' in many contexts. It's described phonetically as a syllabic voiced bilabial nasal continuant; in IPA it's [ṃ] (Unicode 1643; UTF8 E1 89 83; Latin small letter M with dot below). Similar to the [ṇ] as in certain /'sərtṇ/, which is a syllabic voiced alveolar nasal continuant.
What do you call that tiny sound you make with the nose to …
2015年1月24日 · The sound you're referring to is usually spelled "Mm" or "Mm-hmm" (the latter to differentiate it from the sound you make when something smells yummy) "I don't know if he was listening, or not - he just 'Mm-hmm'd' at me - so, I'll take it as a 'yes'."
single word requests - The sound made when eating - English …
2013年9月27日 · Champing at the bit can sound funny to people who aren’t familiar with the idiom or the obsolete sense of champ, while most English speakers can infer the meaning of chomping at the bit. "Still, if you’re writing for school or for readers who are versed in English, champing at the bit is probably the safer choice."
phrase requests - What's the word / way to describe the sound we …
2020年7月24日 · What's that sound called which we make when we are irritated or disgusted, when we press both our lips together and make a sucking sound, with our teeth closed. It's similar to a kissing sound, but in that the lips move out. While here, the lips spread open like in a smile.
The origin of 'hmm' - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2018年2月3日 · The sound spelled hmm is simply a closed-mouth humming imitating the intonation of some remark. The initial h just represents initial voicelessness; the mouth is closed at the lips throughout. Variants include mmhmm , with high tone on the second voicing, which means 'yes', and the same (with optional glottal stops) with high tone on the first ...
single word requests - What is this sound called? - English …
2021年11月5日 · to utter a loud, usually protracted, high-pitched, rhythmical sound especially as an expression of sorrow, joy, celebration, or reverence offering the sample usages eight singers took to the aisle, dancing with ferocious energy as the chorus sang, ululated and clapped in an exuberant, multisensory ode to joy.
Are "mmm" and "hmm" the only words in the English language …
2018年1月15日 · It therefore doesn't make sense to talk about words that "have no vowels in their spelling" as a matter distinct from "words that sound as if they have no vowels". So in words such as "bird", pronounced in a rhotic dialect, the written 'i' isn't pronounced and therefore doesn't count as a vowel. Conversely, in words such as "my", the 'y' is ...
How is the "hmmm" on SE to be interpreted? [duplicate]
2021年8月6日 · representative of a sound made during contemplation or showing mild disapproval, attested from 1868, but this is probably a variation of the hum attested in similar senses from 1590s. etymonline. But a hmm can of course be devoid of any disapproval. I say I just called her and she isn't at home, and you reply Hmm, that's odd.
slang - What’s the origin/etymology of “mm-bye”? - English …
2020年7月28日 · "Mmm bye" was most likely said because "bye" is too abrupt, so "mmm" can act as a filler—for just the right amount of time—which makes "bye" softer/more gentle. It is easy to say because the "m" sound can directly transition into the "b" sound in "bye," (because your lips are closed) which is what makes "mmm bye" smoother than "bye."
single word requests - meaning "to outshine" but for a sound
2017年10月22日 · The word resound just came to me as a good possibility, google says (emphasis added),. re·sound / rəˈzound / (of a sound, voice, etc.) fill a place with sound; be loud enough to echo. "another scream resounded through the school" synonyms: echo, re-echo, reverberate, ring out, boom, thunder, rumble "the explosion resounded around the silent street"