MNBVC(Massive Never-ending BT Vast Chinese corpus)超大规模 …
MNBVC数据集包括新闻、作文、小说、书籍、杂志、论文、台词、帖子、wiki、古诗、歌词、商品介绍、笑话、糗事、聊天记录等一切形式的纯文本中文数据。 Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. 请媒体朋友们不要报道我们,让我们有更长久的时间可以收集整理数据。 我们最怕捧杀了,您让我们保持低调,就是对中文算法圈做了大的贡献! 中文互联网上最古老最神秘 (没有之一)的 MOP里屋社区 于2023.1.1庄重宣布: 在英明神武的猫扑管子带领下,决心发挥社区所长 (哪都 …
LIWU: Language Intelligence and Word Understanding 里屋|MNBVC:Massive Never-ending BT Vast Chinese corpus 超大规模中文语料集 Mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
Phonics - Learn to Read | Letters M, N, O | Alphablocks
Watch Alphablocks full episodes on BBC iPlayer: https://bbc.in/2OLEvWf...more. For more phonics learning videos subscribe: http://goo.gl/TIhdyN Today the Alphablocks are learning to read using the...
mnbvc - YouTube
mnbv - Tears and Laughs - YouTube
"Experience the emotions of the past with mnbv's debut EP "Nostalgia." Aida Minibaeva, now releasing under her new moniker mnbv, returns to Reckoning Records...
About Us - Minnesota Buddhist Vihara
Minnesota Buddhist Vihara is a Theravada Buddhist temple located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was founded in 2004 by Venerable Witiyala Seewalie Nayaka Thera to fulfill the need of a spiritual place in the state of Minnesota. The Vihara started offering its services at Thien An Buddhist temple sharing their space for more than two years.
探秘MNBVC:一个高效、灵活的自然语言处理工具 - CSDN博客
2024年3月23日 · MNBVC数据集包括新闻、作文、小说、书籍、杂志、论文、台词、帖子、wiki、古诗、歌词、商品介绍、笑话、糗事、聊天记录等一切形式的纯文本中文数据。 项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/mn/MNBVC. 是一个基于Python开发的自然语言处理(NLP)库,旨在为开发者提供强大的文本预处理和分析功能。 这个开源项目以其简洁的API、高效的性能和广泛的适用性吸引了众多用户和贡献者。 预处理:库内包含了丰富的文本清洗和标准化方 …
mmmnbv User Profile - DeviantArt
Check out mmmnbv's art on DeviantArt. Browse the user profile and get inspired.
Minnesota Buddhist Vihara – A Theravada Buddhist Temple in the …
2020年12月17日 · We are a Buddhist temple in Theravada Tradition established in 2004 with a noble intention to provide spiritual and religious services to the community in Twin Cities. Come and join us to meditate, attend our special events or simply visit our temple.
Venerable Witiyala Seewalie Nayaka Thera - Minnesota Buddhist Vihara
Ven. Seewalie, fondly known as Bhante Seewalie, is the founder and current chief monk of Minnesota Buddhist Vihara. He is originally from Sri Lanka.