We work with companies researching, developing and preparing to launch new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics, and devices. We work with the strategically minded: people who …
Case study 1 “Our product is complex. There are many rules about when and how it may be used. Its complexity may put off prescribers and patients if we are not careful.
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You don’t need to be a diffusion expert to know that the people who make up your target market don’t adopt innovations all at the same time.
Forget breakthrough channels, next gen tech and clever marketing, getting a new product accepted and adopted by target audiences depends on basic principles as old as time.
These days, “influencer marketing” is a must-have component of any brand strategy. Propelled by the reach of online channels like TikTok and Instagram, the approach feels like a modern-day …
How trustworthy is ChatGPT? - MMRG
The easy-to-use chatbot quickly went viral on social media, marking a pivotal moment when the world began to acknowledge this new technology. However, OpenAI’s ChatGPT continues to …
Diffusion is the process in which new ideas are communicated over time to generate a mutual understanding – adoption or rejection – among target audiences.
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This Privacy Policy applies to MMRG, an independent healthcare research agency specializing in the early adoption of new innovations, registered with the Government Office of the …
We’ve all heard the expression “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Well, academic research suggests that this theory may be a significant factor in the adoption of innovation.