Maui Nui Botanical Gardens – Conserving Hawaiian plants and …
Maui Nui Botanical Gardens (MNBG) is dedicated to the protection of Maui Nui’s rich native plants and cultural heritage. Through partnerships, we expand the reach of our activities to managed …
About Us - Maui Nui Botanical Gardens
The mission of Maui Nui Botanical Gardens is to foster appreciation and understanding of Maui Nui’s plants and their role in Hawaiian cultural expression by providing a gathering place for …
MNBG Project - Satış Takımı
MNBG, 4 yıllık tecrübesiyle en iyi ve kaliteli eklenti, eklenti paketi gibi ürünlerin satışlarının olduğu bir satış takımıdır. Neden Bizi Seçmelisiniz? Sistemimiz, her zaman en son özelliklere ve …
Pōkalakala (Polyscias racemosa) - Maui Nui Botanical Gardens
Although it is one of the rarest Hawaiian trees, it is quite easy to grow in cultivation. How pōkalakala was used by early Hawaiians remains unknown, but modern day kapa makers …
SkyBlock V2 - MNBG Project
MNBG Project SkyBlock Eklenti Paketi, MNBG Project Ekibi tarafından hazırlanmıştır. Eklenti paketinin taban sürümü 1.16.5 ve 1.19.4 olarak sürümlerdir. Sürüm değiştirip hata alınırsa …
NBG Digital Banking
Βρίσκεστε στην επίσημη ιστοσελίδα της Εθνικής Τράπεζας για ασφαλείς ηλεκτρονικές συναλλαγές. Κλειδώστε το λογαριασμό σας άμεσα.
3D-printed magnesium-doped micro-nano bioactive glass
2024年10月16日 · Magnesium ions play an important immune-regulatory role during bone repair. For this study, we prepared micro-nano bioactive glass (MNBG) containing magnesium, which …
Koa (Acacia koa) - Maui Nui Botanical Gardens
In Hawaiian, koa means "brave, bold, and fearless." Early Hawaiians carefully crafted large koa into war canoe (wa‘a). Koa wood was also used in home construction and to make spears, …
缓释米诺环素的介孔纳米生物玻璃载药系统 - pku.edu.cn
目的:构建介孔纳米生物活性玻璃(mesoporous nano-bioactive glasses,MNBG)微球装载及缓释米诺环素的载药系统。 方法:采用溶胶-凝胶法制备MNBG微球作为药物载体,组分为SiO_2、CaO …
摘要: 目的:构建介孔纳米生物活性玻璃(mesoporous nano-bioactive glasses,MNBG)微球装载及缓释米诺环素的载药系统。方法:采用溶胶凝胶法制备MNBG微球作为药物载体,组分 …