Investigating half-metallic behavior of MnO doped with TM and NTM: LDA ...
2024年10月1日 · Employing first-principles calculations utilizing both the local density approximation (LDA) and the self-interaction-corrected local density approximation (LDA-SIC), our investigation unveiled the emergence of a half-metallic character in …
Electronic structure of TMO: LDA+U 0 4 8 12 MnO Density of States (states/eV formula unit) LSDA 0 4 8 U= 5eV 0 4 8 U= 9eV-12 -8 -4 0 4 Energy (eV) 0 4 8 U=13eV NiO LSDA U= 5eV U= 9eV-12-8-4 048 Energy (eV) U= 13eV 0 100 200 300 400 w(q), meV GZ F G L U = 1 3 LDA 5 7 9 11 13 exp DOS Spin-wave Spectrum NiO I. Solovyev MnO NiO 3d O 2p 3d
Transition Metals Monoxides. An LDA+U Study - ScienceDirect
2012年1月1日 · We present our calculations of the electronic density of states of the transition metals oxides MO (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) using a DFT+U method. Experimental results for band gaps are reproduced within GGA + U approach with the inclusion of spin-orbit coupling.
研究掺杂 TM 和 NTM 的 MnO 的半金属行为:LDA、LDA-SIC 和 LDA…
使用局部密度 (LDA)、LDA + U 和自相互作用校正局部密度 (LDA-SIC) 近似值,我们观察到了改性 MnO 系统中的半金属行为。 此外,当氮掺入掺杂的 MnO 中时,总态密度 (DOS) 发生显着变化,将其行为从非半金属转变为明显的半金属铁磁。 这些发现为掺杂和共掺杂 MnO 在先进自旋电子应用开发中的潜在用途提供了新的见解。 本研究采用第一性原理计算来研究 MnO 在掺杂和共掺杂低浓度过渡金属 (TM) V、Cr 和 Ni 时的磁性能。 使用局部密度 (LDA)、LDA + U 和自相互作 …
MnO电子结构和磁性的第一性原理研究 - wanfangdata.com.cn
2018年7月11日 · 摘要:利用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理方法,通过赝势法模拟原子核外电子分布,使用局域密度近似 (LDA)处理交换关联项,结合赫伯德模型对具有强关联相互作用的一氧化锰 (MnO)的电子结构和磁性质进行研究.结果表明:MnO的电子结构随其磁微观结构的变化发生明显变化.通过比较不同磁结构并利用海森堡交换作用模型得出最近邻、次近邻以及三阶、四阶近邻磁交换常数分别为-8.786、-9.858、0.030和-0.164 K,磁比热与温度变化曲线表明MnO的奈尔温度约 …
Mott Transition of MnO under Pressure: Comparison of Correlated Band ...
2006年5月17日 · The electronic structure, magnetic moment, and volume collapse of MnO under pressure are obtained from four different correlated band theory methods; local density approximation + Hubbard U (LDA+U), pseudopotential self-interaction correction (pseudo-SIC), the hybrid functional (combined local exchange plus Hartree-Fock exchange), and the local ...
Accurate screened exchange band structures for transition metal ...
2012年8月3日 · We report calculations of the band structures and density of states of the four transition metal monoxides MnO, FeO, CoO and NiO using the hybrid density functional sX-LDA. Late transition metal oxides are prototypical examples of strongly correlated materials, which pose challenges for electronic structure methods.
Transition Metals Monoxides. An LDA+U Study - Academia.edu
We present our calculations of the electronic density of states of the transition metals oxides MO (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) using a DFT+U method. Experimental results for band gaps are reproduced within GGA + U approach with the inclusion of spin-orbit coupling.
The calculation of MnO within LDA+DMFT reads output data from the LDA prerun. If you specify the prerun path in comdmft.ini (e.g., ‘../lda’ in this case) correctly, it
Electronic ground state of MnO, FeO, CoO and NiO within the …
1996年11月1日 · Presently our study displays a 2p orbital mixing rate less than 50% in the occupied d bands for all the four oxides. The predominant d character in the upper valence bands conducts to term MnO, FeO, Coo and NiO as Mott-Hubbard insulators even if a non-negligible amount of 2p functions alters the classical d-d gap concept. 4.