What is the formula of manganese oxohydroxide: MnOOH and …
2016年1月24日 · If you move the element around, you will get $\ce{MnO(OH)_2}$ is actually $\ce{H_2MnO_3}$. $\ce{H_2MnO_3}$ is dihydroxy(oxo)manganese which is an acidic …
Sodium hydroxide reaction with manganese dioxide
2021年7月16日 · As for the question, the answer is evident if you apply Le Chatelier's principle (hint: temperature aside, $\ce{MnO(OH)}$ is precipitate). $\endgroup$ – andselisk ♦ …
everyday chemistry - How does a simple alkaline battery work ...
2014年7月24日 · An alkaline battery (or more precise alkaline manganese cell) consists of a zinc anode, a $\gamma\!-\!\ce{MnO2}$ cathode and $\ce{KOH}$ (in paste form) electrolyte.
inorganic chemistry - Manganates (II) - Chemistry Stack Exchange
I want to ask about character of manganese(II) compounds. I read that $\ce{MnO}$ is basic, just like $\ce{Mn(OH)2}$. I started doing research and I read ions like $\ce{MnO2^{2-}}$ and …
What indicators can be used when substituting iodine with other ...
2017年1月20日 · The $\ce{I3-}$ forms the indication complex with the starch, which can then be titrated with thiosulfate solution. When the colour is gone you have successfully converted all …
Is there a difference between hydrated oxides and hydroxides?
2015年4月25日 · $\begingroup$ This formular $\ce{[Zr4(OH)8 *16 H2O] ^{8+} }$ is a "white gel called zirconium hydroxide but generally considered to be a hydrous oxide" from Nielsen 2005 …
Manganese (II) oxidation by air - Chemistry Stack Exchange
The data I have been given is Mn(OH)2's pKs=12.7, as well as the standard potential for MnO2(s)/Mn(OH)2(s), which is 1.23V, and the one of O2/H2O, which is also 1.23V; nothing …
organic chemistry - Mechanism for reaction between carboxylic …
2021年5月23日 · $\begingroup$ Oh, and you'd like a real mechanism, or a reaction scheme? The first is most likely unknown. The first is most likely unknown. The second you should try to …
Oxidation state of Mn in MnO₄⁻ - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2019年1月6日 · The sum of the oxidation states of all of the atoms needs to equal the total charge on the ion. For example, for $\ce{NH4+}$, if each hydrogen atom has an oxidation state of +1, …
inorganic chemistry - How to balance this redox reaction taking …
2018年12月27日 · Generally, I add $\ce{OH-}$ ions on the oxygen deficient side and then add water to compensate the hydrogen deficiency on the other side. Note: your first half-reaction …