mobs - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
85+ New mobs with stylistic quality above the default game. Powerful overworld enemies and more! A mod to blacklist mobs from spawning. Discover a World of Mythological Creatures in Minecraft! Strange and Deadly Creatures! EEEAB's Mobs adds more challenging mobs to …
Mob Battle Mod (Forge) - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Add mob to a team, opposite teams attack each other and ignore everything else. It uses minecraft build in scoreboard so you can join a team too. Mobs in same team can't hurt each other if friendlyfire is off.
怪物大乱斗 (Mob Battle Mod) - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中 …
尽管原版中的生物之间很少发生斗争,但这个小型模组给创造模式的玩家增添了一些工具,可以制造生物之间的战斗。 对于大多数原版和其他模组中的生物都有效。 生物士兵杖(红/蓝):把一些生物归为红队/蓝队,两队的生物会互相攻击,同一队的生物彼此之间不能互相攻击。 玩家自己也可以加入一队。 用 /summon 命令也可以给生物归队:/summon 实体名称 x y z {Team:" 队伍名称 "}; 状态给予杖:给予生物状态效果。 模组怪物大乱斗 (Mob Battle Mod)的介绍页,我的世 …
Mobs Mods - Collection - Modrinth
Adds outvoted and forgotten mobs from the mob vote, expanding on their original concepts and adding new vanilla-like features. The mod includes: Copper Golem, Crab, Glare, Moobloom, Iceologer, Rascal, Tuff Golem, Wildfire, Illusioner, Zombie Horse
Alex's Mobs - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
2020年12月7日 · Alex's Mobs is a Forge mod that adds 89 new mobs to Minecraft. All of these mobs fall into either two categories: most of them are real world creatures, like Grizzly Bears, Roadrunners, Orcas, etc; but some of them are purely fictional, like …
Mob Battle Extra / MBE Utility Tools - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中 …
Mob Despawner:类似生物击杀杖,但是可以额外移除生物的死亡动画,右键可移除范围内所有生物和实体; Mob Teleporter :右键可将所有生物和实体强制传送至当前玩家所在位置;
Mob Minecraft Mods | Planet Minecraft Community
Browse and download Minecraft Mob Mods by the Planet Minecraft community.
[Top 15] Minecraft Best Mob Mods - Gamers Decide
2021年3月12日 · A good mob mod that adds in a wide variety of different hostile and peaceful mobs has always been in high demand from the community, so there’s a lot of options to choose from. This article will take you through the 15 best Minecraft mob mods to bring your game to life
rathena/doc/mob_db_mode_list.txt at master - GitHub
Fixed Item Drop: The mob's drops are not affected by item drop modifiers. Detector: Enables mob to detect and attack characters who are in hiding/cloak. Status Immune: Immune to being affected by statuses.
Mob - Minecraft Wiki
A mob is an AI-driven game entity resembling a living creature. Besides its common meaning, the term "mob" is short for "mobile entity".[1] All mobs can be attacked and hurt (from falling, attacked by a player or another mob, falling into the void, hit by an arrow, etc), and have some form of...