So... Mobius is basically the AquaIllumination app....
2020年1月7日 · After watching this video, it seems to me that Ecotech's Mobius app is basically the AI app. As an AI user myself I am glad to see that Ecotech is using the app design to …
MXM may cause issues with your date & time settings on the …
2023年6月29日 · This may just be a case of correlation ≠ causation, but I had all my Mobius devices in one tank group in the Mobius app, and all except one device is managed by the …
Mobius App tutorial to control lights | Reef2Reef
2017年2月28日 · Reeflink I could easily mess around with the light setting but with mobius it completely changing the entire schedule. I love ecotech products but mobius so far isn't all …
Everyone having problems connecting to Mobius! | Reef2Reef
2022年7月17日 · I had to keep trying until the app was finally able to make the connection and logged in. Seems to me some web service is down and is affecting login and application …
Mobius App | Reef2Reef
2020年2月27日 · I am hoping I am just confused with the mobius app. I set up my light template to my liking with my times but the clock doesn't follow the template. I have to keep refreshing it to …
Möbius App time issue | Reef2Reef
2020年8月2日 · I was wondering if anyone else had an issue with the time changing on their mobius app. For the pas couple of days the app would randomly through out the day change …
myAI App | Reef2Reef
2024年10月23日 · I won't use their new products anymore because the app is so god aweful. I'd take an ai sol with the hardware controller over anything that requires mobius or the myai app. …
Instructions for Versa / Mobius App? | Reef2Reef
2019年10月13日 · Okay. I just started working with my Versa 4 pack, and am having a bit of trouble getting comfortable with how to control the pumps through the Mobius App. I’m not …
Mobius/Radion Schedule Glitch | Reef2Reef
2021年9月6日 · Has anyone else experienced schedule glitches with the Mobius app? This morning I awoke to find all (3) of my Radion G5s off - when they should've been on and …
Mobius App - Connection Timeout | Reef2Reef
2022年7月17日 · hey guys I have actually a problem connecting to my Mobius App. The app says Connection Timeout… Means I cannot even connect to my account.