modal verb - A Difficult English-to-German Translation: "He must …
2025年3月22日 · Since this would use "wollen" as a full verb in one direction and as a modal verb in the other. Instead: Er muß zu sehen gewollt haben. Er muß gewollt haben zu sehen. And …
modal verb - Modalverb - German Language Stack Exchange
2022年4月10日 · The auxiliary verb for fallen is sein, so to form the perfect past replace the finite verb with the conjugated form of sein, and place the past participle (Partizip II) of the original …
modal verb - Grammatically speaking, what is "Kann ... ermittelt …
2025年3月15日 · The inflected verb is kann (a form of können) and it is located at position 2. (The whole subject clause is at position 1.) Kann is a modal verb. You can omit modal verbs, but …
Using modal verbs with the Perfekt tense
2016年2月12日 · Unlike in English, expressions like "I should have done it" in German are not formed with a participle of the non-modal verb, but with the infinitive. It is a special form called …
verb - When to you use Perfekt and Präteritum for Modalverbs?
2025年2月2日 · "Perfective" means that a verb describes an action which has a defined result: for instance "to sleep" has no such result - to be sleeping is a status. On the other hand "to wake …
Is “lassen” a modal verb? - German Language Stack Exchange
2015年6月19日 · Similar to a modal verb (1) = cause/arrange sth.: I am having my bike repaired. modalverbähnlich (2) = erlauben: Die Mutter lässt die Kinder bis spät in die Nacht fernsehen. …
Infinitiv + »zu« + Modalverb? - German Language Stack Exchange
2014年10月4日 · Das mit dem Modalverb stimmt nicht. Ob nach einem Verb überhaupt ein Infinitiv, und welcher, kommen kann, hängt schlicht vom Verb ab: Ich meine ihn zu hören. Ich …
Zu + Verb word order - German Language Stack Exchange
2024年12月19日 · There is no modal verb in this sentence. German has these six modal verbs: müssen, dürfen, können, sollen, wollen, mögen. Sometimes also other verbs can be used in …
modal verb - Why does past turn into present when reformulating ...
2023年9月14日 · This is the "normal" Perfekt which treats the modal as any other verb. It means a different thing. This "normal" Perfekt moves the viewpoint of the modal expression to the past. …
Word order for modal verbs in the passive, in a subordinate clause
2019年5月31日 · Same for the modals, as soon a modal is involved, the finite verb becomes an infinitive and moves to the end. So, Es wird benutzt. → …, so dass es benutzt wird. Es muss …