The Definitive C Book Guide and List - Stack Overflow
It is a good book for learning and referencing C. Intermediate. Modern C — Jens Gustedt (2017 1st Edn; 2019 2nd Edn). Covers C in 5 levels (encounter, acquaintance, cognition, experience, ambition) from beginning C to advanced C. It covers C11 and C17, including threads and atomic access, which few other books do.
Modern-C, Deep-C And Japanese Hybrid Strat? | The Gear Page
2022年10月25日 · Fender's specs for the Modern C (where they have it posted for USA and MIM models) is .820" at the first fret and .870" at the 12th fret. I would have to assume that the Modern C on the MIJs would be the same. Fender's specs for the Modern Deep C is .820" at the first fret and .920" at the 12th fret.
Fender "C" neck vs. Modern "C" neck - same profile or different?
2012年5月4日 · The "modern C" is most likely the 9.5" radius C neck used on the current American Standards. A "C" shaped neck thai is not "modern" could refer to any number of C shaped necks - typically a 7.5" radius - for example on a '60s Custom Shop Stratocaster usually called vintage radius. So modern vs vintage is one difference.
Is every normal Fender production guitar with "modern C" neck?
2020年1月2日 · Fender currently lists 6 different profiles for their necks on production guitars; C-shape, modern C, D-shape, U-shape, V-shape and Deep C. All slight variations on the common C-shape. If none suit your needs, or you find the "right" neck on the "wrong" guitar, could always consider a custom neck from a place like Warmoth. Much cheaper than ...
Modern C Neck Shape Compared To C Shape | The Gear Page
2020年12月21日 · Terms such as 'C', 'modern C' and 'D' can be as misleading as they are helpful. I've had an ES355 with a D neck that had a distinct flat spot in the middle, and a Strat with a neck that Fender also described as a 'D' but doesn't resemble the Gibson 'D' in any way shape or form (thankfully) - I'd call it a 'C'.
What are the specs for a Fender Modern C shaped neck?
2019年11月4日 · The Modern C in the chart doesn't really match the shape they show now on Fender.com. The Modern C now looks to be asymmetrical. I just stopped by a music store and tried a Tele Performer with a Modern C and it did seem quite thin to …
Fender "C" neck vs. Modern "C" neck - same profile or different?
2012年5月4日 · Modern (slim) C with medium jumbo frets on a 9.5 radius. Some of Fender's most consistently American, super-built instruments were from 2012 through 2016. Though we all know you can find gems from any era or year.
Is Fender "modern C" Neck shape asymmetrical? | The Gear Page
2017年9月6日 · Some suggest that modern-C is thinner, some say it has less taper (thickness at first and 12th fret nearly the same). I compared my Road Worn 60s Strat (Classic-C) to a Road Worn Player Strat (Modern-C) and Mexican Standard Strat (Modern-C) and found the taper thing is true. Classic-C has more taper, it is way thicker on the 12th than on the ...
Fender Ultra "Modern D" neck profile - The Gear Page
2020年4月27日 · I found these measurements online for current Fender neck shapes. So Modern D is similar to Modern C but with more shoulder, and a little thicker at the 12th. Modern D.840 1st - .890 12th Modern C Profile.820 1st - .870 12th Modern Deep C.840 1st - …
'63 Strat Neck Vs. Modern C - The Gear Page
2009年12月3日 · Most of the Fender modern C necks start at around 0.84" or so at the 1st fret and taper about 0.04" to 0.06" for 0.90" at most at the 12th fret (more typically about 0.88"). The neck you described is about the same as the CS 60 and AVRI 62 necks, although those have a bit more taper (0.12"), so they may be a little thinner at the first and ...