Modo 15.0 - Designing The Future - Foundry
Modo 15.0, Designing The Future. The first of three releases in the Modo 15 series, 15.0 introduces new workflow paradigms that define the future of design and content creation. MeshFusion has been re-envisioned from the ground-up to improve performance, refine user-experience and reduce technical barriers.
Modo 15.0 - Foundry
Modo 15.0 introduces new workflow paradigms that define the future of design and content-creation. With a reinvisioned MeshFusion, expansion of Rig Clay, refined form presets, powerful new modeling tools and mPath interactive, this first release of three in the 15 series establishes a foundation that will improve your every-day.
What's New in Modo 15.0 - Foundry
MeshFusion has received a major revamp in Modo 15.0, with the UI being simplified and an emphasis being placed on a viewport-centric workflow for editing models. The inclusion of new selection modes such as Auto-Select, Source Select and Edit Attributes also now allows users to directly interact with their models, making it easier than ever to ...
Modo 15.1 - 新特性中文简介及教程 - 哔哩哔哩
Modo 15.1 - 新特性中文简介及教程共计11条视频,包括:Modo 15.1 - 不再离开视口,运用[OmniHaul]全能拽引加快工作流程、Modo 15.1 - 借助曲线布尔运算,轻松创建复杂模型、利用网格操作堆栈节点简化程序性工作流程等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Foundry发布了Modo 15.1 新功能包括OmniHaul和Curve Booleans等
Foundry已经发布了Modo 15.1,这是其3D建模、动画和渲染软件的最新版本,也是构成Modo 15系列的三个关联版本中的第二个。 新功能包括OmniHaul,这是一个有趣的系统,用于为编辑工具属性设置基于手势的自定义控制,一个新的曲线布尔系统,以及自动场景测试系统 ...
Modo 15.2 - 新功能与工作流 - 哔哩哔哩
来自Foundry官方Vimeo频道的公开视频 当地时间2021年11月9日,MODO15.2v1发布,标志本年度MODO三个版本完成功能更迭。 15.2延续之前两个版本,添加了常用的全新建模工具,可以满足用户的灵活设置进一步加快建模流程;此版本继续在参数化建模流程上发力,在程序命令集合栈基础上添加了选择集合栈,方案图集成化进一步提升的同时,开始统一简化预设存储流程。 加载中… Modo 15.2 - 新功能与工作流共计12条视频,包括:MODO15年度总结-提升工作流 Workflow …
What's New in Modo 15.1 - Foundry
In Modo 15.1 we’ve extended the QuickCam capabilities to include direct camera rotation enabling the ability to “look around” a scene without orbiting an item. Dispersion has also been added, enabling refractions to be more accurate by allowing the light to be split apart into separate wavelengths or colors.
modo 15|资源|花魁小站 - hkcgart.com
MODO 15在一个易于使用的内聚性内容创建包中提供了建模,雕刻,绘画,效果和动画工具,其中包括无限的网络渲染功能和MeshFusion布尔工具。 Modo定义了良好的建模工作流程...随着每个版本的发布,它的功能和灵活性都在增长。 用户可以使用大量的上下文感知工具快速创建和操纵几何。 15系列的新增功能包括“取消细分”,“倒角编辑”功能的增强以及对重叠的布尔岛的支持。 现在,“偏移曲线”还支持更多曲线类型,这继续了我们对直接建模工具集的专注。 当我们添加或增 …
Modo 15.1 - Foundry
Explore Modo 15.1. With Substantial usability, performance and feature enhancements, Modo 15.1 empowers artists to stay deeper “in the flow” without being distracted by overly technical tasks. Take me there
Release Notes for Modo 15.0v3 - Foundry
2021年5月26日 · • Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution. • Internet connection for product activation and online videos access. • The Advanced viewport mode requires an NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with at least 1 GB of GPU memory and drivers that support OpenGL 3.2 or higher. • AMD AI Denoiser requires a minimum of 4 GB of GPU memory.