Modula Slim - Small Vertical Lift and Small Order Picker
Modula Slim is our most compact VLM. Designed to maximize limited floor space, Slim boosts productivity, accuracy, and inventory management.
Modula Slim: The most compact VLM in the market - Modula China
Slim是在有限空间里追求灵活仓库管理的最佳选择。 Slim采用与Lift型号相同的先进存储技术,提高生产力、准确性和库存管理,但占地面积更小。 它非常适合存储各种材料和产品,包括容器(周转箱、物料盒、纸箱、木箱)、小件物品、备件、线圈、瓶子、零散 ...
极致紧凑与双倍承载:仓库空间有限的理想方案—Modula Slim
2025年3月10日 · Modula Slim,最小仅需 3平方米 的占地面积和 1.6米 的外形深度,便能够发挥 智能存储垂直货柜 的诸多优势。 你可以在其中存储各种材料和产品,无论是零散物料、容器(如周转箱、物料盒、纸箱、塑料箱),还是小件物品、备件、线圈、烧瓶等,Modula Slim都能轻松容纳。 这款Slim智能存储垂直货柜,以 1.6米的标准深度精心打造,在宽度设计上,Modula Slim提供了约 1.6m 、 2.2m 、 2.8m 等三种固定尺寸,最小宽度约为一个大型家用电冰箱,轻松融 …
Modula Slim: Vertical Lift Module, Storage Carousel | Modula
Modula Slim, the compact vertical storage system, puts every inch of your warehouse space to use, made possible by dynamic tray height storage. What does that mean?
Modula Slim - Modula
Modula Slim Slim is the perfect choice for warehouses with limited floor space that need flexible storage options. Slim uses the same advanced storage technology as our Lift model – boosting productivity, accuracy and inventory management — but in a much smaller footprint.
Modula Slim: The most compact VLM in the market - Modula China
Slim is the perfect choice for warehouses with limited floor space that need flexible storage options. Slim uses the same advanced storage technology as our Lift model – boosting productivity, accuracy and inventory management – but in a much smaller footprint.
Modula Slim: The most compact VLM in the market
Slim is the perfect solution for an environment with very limited floor space but needs flexible vertical storage. Slim uses the same advanced storage technology as the Modula Lift model and provides the same benefits for customers – boosting productivity, improving picking accuracy and inventory management – in a smaller space.
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Modula SLIM
your Modula Slim: loose materials, containers (boxes, bins, packs, cartons, cases), small items, spare parts, coils, flasks. WHAT MODULA SLIM CAN DO FOR YOU? •ecovers floor space, making the most R of storage density • Reduces picking times • Makes materials accessible to all operators, quickly and ergonomically
Modula Slim – Product Video
Modula Slim is the most compact vertical lift module on the market, but still holds up to 55,115 pounds (25,000 kg) in its narrow, space-saving frame. By combining all the benefits of a vertical lift module in the footprint of a vertical carousel, Modula Slim makes the vertical carousel an industrial storage solution of the past.
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Modula SLIM
毫无限制和约束地充分利用Modula SLIM的内部空 间,可自动优化位置轻松实现动态储存。 • 总载荷高达25,000kg,高度7米,深度仅1.6米 • Modula Slim内部空间可以得到充分利用,这受益 于Modula的动态托盘管理技术,Modula Slim能