Direct School Admission for secondary schools (DSA-Sec) | MOE
What is DSA-Sec? DSA-Sec seeks to broaden the recognition of talents and achievements beyond academic grades. P6 students can gain direct entry to certain secondary schools based on their talent in sports, CCAs and specific academic areas, etc, before taking the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE).
Direct School Admission (DSA-Sec): Apply | MOE
2024年5月7日 · Once you have explored and shortlisted the schools, submit your child's application online through the DSA-Sec portal.
Direct School Admission (DSA-Sec): Explore school choices | MOE
2024年8月13日 · Explore the list of schools and programmes for Direct School Admission. Once you have shortlisted schools and programmes that your child is interested in, you should: Visit the schools' websites to learn about their selection processes, schedules and requirements.
Direct School Admission DSA Sec - Ministry of Education
Evergreen Secondary School offers all Primary 6 students an opportunity to gain direct admission through the Direct School Admission [DSA] Exercise, which is tied to our school’s Applied Learning Programme [ALP] & Learning for Life Programme [LLP].
The Direct School Admission-Sec (DSA-Sec) provides students with the opportunity to seek admission to a secondary school, based on a diverse range of specific academic and non-academic achievements and talents that they can demonstrate beyond the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). Participation in DSA-Sec is optional.
Direct School Admission (DSA) - Ministry of Education
Starting from the 2018 DSA Exercise (for the 2018 P6 cohort), secondary schools will be able to take in up to 20% of their intake through the DSA. This expansion allows more students to be admitted directly into schools that can better nurture their strengths and …
DSA Application Process - Ministry of Education
2024年5月7日 · Application for DSA-Sec can be submitted through the online DSA-Sec Portal. The application is free-of-charge and will be open from 7 May 2024 (11 am) to 3 Jun 2024 (3 pm). For more details, please refer to MOE website – www.moe.gov.sg/dsa-sec.
DSA - Ministry of Education
To apply, please register via the Online DSA Application System from 7 May to 19 August 2024. The following supporting documents are to be included in the online application:
DSA Application - Ministry of Education
2024年6月1日 · The Direct School Admission for Secondary Schools (DSA-Sec) is now open for application until 3pm, 1 Jun 2024. Interested parents may wish to visit MOE’s DSA website (https://www.moe.gov.sg/dsa-sec) for more information.
Direct School Admission - eastspringsec.moe.edu.sg
Introduced in 2004, the Direct School Admission (DSA) scheme provides students with the opportunity to seek admission to a secondary school, based on a diverse range of specific academic and non-academic achievements and talents that they can demonstrate beyond the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE).