Moho - Kerbal Space Program Wiki
2025年1月3日 · Moho is the third-smallest planet and the planet closest to Kerbol. Moho has an orbital period of 102 days and an orbital velocity ranging from 12–18km/s, making it the celestial body with the shortest orbit and the fastest velocity in Kerbal Space Program .
Moho - Kerbal Space Program 2 Wiki
Moho is the innermost planet of the Kerbolar system. Its orbit is very eccentric and inclined making it a difficult planet to intercept. It also has no moons or atmosphere and functions as the analogue for the real life planet Mercury. It is the 3rd smallest planet in the Kerbolar system after Eeloo and Dres . It is home to the famous "Mohole".
Moho/zh-cn - Kerbal Space Program Wiki
MohoMoho是第三小的行星,也是离Kerbol最近的行星,其轨道周期为102天,是Kerbol系中最短的,轨道速度为12-18km/s,也是KSP中速度最快的天体。 它可能是现实中 水星 的模拟。
Moho | Kerbal Space Program 2 Wiki | Fandom
Moho is a returning planet from KSP 1, and the innermost planet of the Kerbol system. Its orbit is very eccentric and inclined, making it a difficult planet to intercept. It also has no moons, and functions as the analogue for the real life planet Mercury. It is the 3rd smallest planet in the Kerbol system, after Eeloo and Dres. One of the ...
Traveling to Moho - Kerbal Space Program Wiki
2019年1月22日 · Moho is the closest planet to Kerbol, making it the first out of the current seven planets. You should not attempt this mission if you haven't done a mission returning from Gilly, Laythe, Tylo, Vall, Eeloo, or Eve, as Moho is the hardest planet to return from, except maybe Eve, Eeloo, Laythe, or a Jool Landing.
Moho - Kerbal Space Program - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科 …
Moho是第三小的行星,也是离 Kerbol 最近的行星,其轨道周期为102天,是 Kerbol 系中最短的,轨道速度为12-18km/s,也是坎巴拉太空计划中速度最快的天体。 它可能是现实中 水星 的模拟。 Moho缺乏大气层和天然卫星。 这颗行星的名字来自莫霍罗维奇不连续面,即地壳和地幔之间的边界。 Moho运行在一个偏心率较小、略倾斜的椭圆轨道,这加大了抵达这颗行星的难度。 而且,没有大气层(无法进行气动刹车),没有卫星(无法实现引力弹弓),因此进入Moho轨道 …
What is the best way to get to moho? : r/KerbalAcademy - Reddit
2021年8月20日 · Assuming you’re trying to orbit or land on Moho, the best way is head to Eve and get a gravity assist. If you aim it right, it’ll get your periapsis halfway to Moho’s orbit.
坎巴拉太空計劃 攻略百科:Moho - 巴哈姆特 - Bahamut
Moho的北極點有一個深坑,被玩家戲稱Mohole 其實是地形編輯所留下的bug,導致北極點形成一個深不見底的凹洞 依據玩家使用的版本與模組不同,遊戲會有不一樣的表現
Moho in KSP2? Which profile? - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2023年3月22日 · Moho is a special case. It is very deep in Kerbol's gravity well and all maneuvers deeper in a gravity well are more costly in terms of dV. It is in a very eccentric orbit around Kerbol. This means that there is a significant difference in your relative velocity if you encounter it at its periapsis versus at its apoapsis.
【KSP2】Moho挑战及v0.1.3.0消息 - 坎喵KerbCat
我们的技术美术师Jon Cioletti(在图形专家Chris Mortonson和Phil Fortier的帮助下)完成了一项令人印象深刻的壮举,通过改进太阳透镜光斑遮挡系统,提高了抛光度和性能。 透镜光斑遮挡(太阳在物体后面经过时透镜光斑的缩放/消失)不再使用光线投射或碰撞器——现在我们实际上是在计算太阳本身的像素。 结果是:不再有阳光透过地形或海洋窥视,不再有车辆部件后面奇怪的闪光行为,现在阳光可以正确地透过遮阳板、桁架、降落伞和窗户照射! 链 …
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