MOLECULAR中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Scientists can study the three-dimensional molecular structure of the proteins. 科学家可以研究蛋白质的三维分子结构。 Scientists are only now starting to understand the molecular basis for their findings. Progress in molecular genetics raises hope of increasing our understanding. He made major contributions to studies of atomic and molecular physics.
分子 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
分子 (英語: molecule)是能保持 物质 特有 化学性质,且能独立存在的最小 电中性 粒子。 分子一般由两个或更多 原子 通过 共价键 形成,但亦有学者认为由一个原子组成的 稀有气体,也是分子,称为“单原子分子” [1][2][3]。 分子化合物 (molecular compound)就是一种分子,是相对于离子化合物的用语,特指两个或更多“不同”元素之原子以共价键结合的分子所组成的 化合物 [4] 。 一个分子常由多个 原子 在 共價鍵 中通过共用 電子 連接一起而形成。 它可以由相同的化學 元素 …
Molecule - Wikipedia
In molecular sciences, a molecule consists of a stable system (bound state) composed of two or more atoms. Polyatomic ions may sometimes be usefully thought of as electrically charged molecules.
Selection tools: all these tool can be used to drag the current selection or individual atoms and bonds. You can add/remove atoms and bonds to the selection by clicking them. If you have selected a separate fragment, you can rotate it by dragging an atom in the selection. You can delete the selection using the DEL key or using the eraser tool.
Home | Molecular Medicine
Molecular Medicine is an open access journal publishing recent findings that elucidate disease pathogenesis at the molecular or physiological level, which may lead to the design of specific tools for disease diagnosis, treatment, or prevention.
Molecules | An Open Access Journal from MDPI
Molecules is the leading international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of chemistry. Molecules is published semimonthly online by MDPI.
分子是物质中能够独立存在的相对稳定并保持该物质 物理化学 特性的最小单元,分子由原子构成,原子通过一定的 作用力,以一定的次序和排列方式结合成分子。 以 水 分子为例,将水不断分离下去,直至不破坏水的特性,这时出现的最小单元是由两个 氢原子 和一个 氧原子 构成的一个水分子(H₂O),一个水分子可用 电解法 或其他方法再分为两个 氢原子 和一个 氧原子,但这时它的特性已和水完全不同了。 有的分子只由一个原子构成,称 单原子分子,如氦和氩等分子属此 …
molecular是什么意思_molecular的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱 …
近年来,以寻找哮喘候选基因为重点的哮喘分子遗传学研究,在全世界已成为一个研究热点. Quantum chemistry methods and molecular modeling technology are the main branches of the computational chemistry. 量子化学方法和分子模拟是计算化学的主要分支. The investigations were performed at molecular level. 研究是在分子的层次上进行的. Some nebulae appear to be completely engulfed by exceedingly large molecular clouds.
MOLECULE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Important groups of molecules associated with essential functions, including energy and oxygenation, neuroplasticity, and cell signaling from synaptic to intracellular communication, exhibited altered transcription patterns.
Molecular - 百度百科
Molecular, 英语单词,主要用作 形容词。 作形容词时译为“分子的,与分子有关的”等 [1]。 1.ADJ Molecular means relating to or involving molecules. 分子的 [ADJ n] [1] This substance has now been cloned by molecular biologists. 这种物质现已被分子生物学家克隆。 But these cylinders cling together at a molecular level. 但是这些圆柱体在分子水平上是紧密结合的。 In molecular orbital theory, we named orbits based on their symmetry.