Home | Ministry of Law & Justice | GoI
Ministry of Law and Justice was established in 1833, making it the oldest limb of the Government. It has three departments working under it which deal with legal affairs, legislation and justice respectively.
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Home | Department of Legal Affairs, MoL &J, GoI
Hon'ble Minister of State, Ministry of Law and Justice (Independent Charge)
Ministry of Law and Justice (India) - Wikipedia
The Ministry of Law and Justice (ISO: Vidhi aura Nyāya Maṁtrālaya) in the Government of India is a cabinet ministry which deals with the management of the legal affairs, legislative activities and administration of justice in India through its three departments namely the Legislative Department and the Department of Legal Affairs and the Departm...
Who's Who | Ministry of Law & Justice | GoI
Ministry of Law and Justice was established in 1833, making it the oldest limb of the Government. It has three departments working under it which deal with legal affairs, legislation and justice respectively.
Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs
कानून, न्याय तथा संसदीय मामिला मन्त्रालय.
molj - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2023年11月17日 · molj first-singular present indicative (third-person singular present indicative moalji or moalje, past participle muljatã) to wet, soak to soften
Hišni molj - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
Hišni molj oz. suknarski molj (znanstveno ime Tineola bisselliella) je nočni metulj iz družine pravih moljev (Tineidae), znan kot škodljivec, čigar gosenice se prehranjujejo z organskimi vlakni oblačil in preprog, pa tudi s spravljenimi živili v človekovih bivališčih. Živi po vsem svetu.
Molji - IVR
Koruzni molj – Sitotroga cerealella (Oliver) Metulj je svetlo rjave barve in ima svetla, rumenkasto rjava krila. Zadnji par kril je sive barve in na koncu klinaste oblike ter obdan z resicami.
Tekstilni molji so majhni metuljčki, katerih gosenice se rade hranijo z materiali, ki vsebujejo keratin. Keratin je strukturna beljakovina, ki se nahaja v laseh, dlakah, perju, volni, svili, nohtih, krempljih, parkljih, rogovju, luskah, kopitih, koži. Celicam daje stabilnost in obliko.