为什么豆瓣上面很多叫momo的账号? - 知乎
momo 是我的网名,有很多网友的网名都叫 momo,你觉得这是为什么? 有时候一个名字或词语在某个时间或地区突然变得很流行,就会有更多人选择使用它作为网名,这也可能是“momo”在某些网友中流行的原因之一。
Momo Steering Wheel Install, Illustrated - Pelican Parts Forums
2009年7月24日 · I soldered my horn wire together with the Momo connector and then used wire shrink wrap over the connection. Altogether took about 45 mins. This is the Momo Retro. I had the optional stock extended hub with the 4-spoke wheel. I'm very happy with the clearance with the Momo hub and probably won't install the eccentric hub extender.
Removing momo steering wheel... - Pelican Parts Forums
2008年9月23日 · Removing momo steering wheel... i'd like to remove and sell the Momo Corse steering wheel in my car and replace it with a more correct Prototipo. Should i do this by removing the hex bolts around the horn button or should i be pulling the horn button (no idea how to do this btw) and undoing the big nut that is apparently under it?
idiots guide to momo prototipo install in a carrera - Pelican Parts
2011年7月28日 · The install went great, cut the oem wire and slapped on the momo wire, the grounding plate between the wheel and the hub, the tab faces away from the driver but is then the tab is bent towards the horn button so it will make contact when you engage the new horn button.
富途moomoo和富途牛牛区别? - 知乎
牛牛是专属于hk的是拿的香港牌照,也是富途最早展开业务的第一站。moomoo是富途的海外版,有新加坡版 美国版 澳大利亚版等等,我了解的就是新加坡和美国的这两个。
How to install momo steering wheel on 964? - Pelican Parts
2005年11月7日 · I went without horn (couldn't figure it out myself) and I did have to shave down the plastic a bit to make everything fit without rubbing. You will be much happier with the Momo verusus the big bulky airbag wheel. Just keep the window rolled down and yell really loud if someone crosses your tracks or you could always get a hand held air horn....
momo 昵称刷屏,年轻人流行换上默认昵称和头像,为何出现这一 …
2023年5月23日 · momo 是我的网名,有很多网友的网名都叫 momo,你觉得这是为什么? 有时候一个名字或词语在某个时间或地区突然变得很流行,就会有更多人选择使用它作为网名,这也可能是“momo”在某些网友中流行的原因之一。
What size bolts to use for side mounts on a Momo seat? - Pelican …
2005年12月4日 · However, if you are refering to mounting a Momo cup and keeping the stock passenger seat, then the answer is "No it is not too close." I still have the stock passenger seat in my car until I figure out how I want to mount the Momo Cup on the drver's side, then I'll mount the passenger seat.
Momo horn button issue - Pelican Parts Forums
2024年2月13日 · Somewhere along the lines Momo introduces a horn button that sits flush with the wheel. The silver ring has a shorter lip and the horn button OD is smaller (obviously) to sit flush rather than on top.