Momo the Monster - Wikipedia
Momo the Monster, also known as the Missouri Monster (Momo), is a purported ape-like creature, similar to descriptions of Bigfoot, that was allegedly sighted by numerous people in rural Louisiana, Missouri in 1971 and 1972. [1]
Momo – The Missouri Monster - Legends of America
Momo is a large Bigfoot-like creature that began to be sighted near Louisiana, Missouri in July 1972. Momo, short for “Missouri Monster”, was reported to have a large pumpkin-shaped head with black furry hair covering its body, and so much fur on its head, that its face couldn’t be seen with the exception of glowing orange eyes.
The enduring legend of Mo Mo - Missouri Life
2022年6月15日 · The Missouri Monster—Mo Mo—became part of Missouri history and folklore 50 years ago in July 1972. While I never had an encounter with that Mo Mo, there was another, different Mo Mo that actually lived with us. Let me explain.
The Legend of Momo: Missouri's Mysterious Monster - Only In …
2019年12月7日 · Discover the legend of Momo, the Missouri Monster, and the mysterious sightings that captivated a small town in the 1970s.
MOMO THE MONSTER - American Hauntings
On July 19, 1972, a 20-mam search party was organized in the small town of Louisiana, Missouri, to track down the huge, black, hairy beast that was being reported by local residents. Louisiana’s Police Chief Shelby Ward was afraid that nervous residents would start shooting the monster and hit a local by mistake.
Momo the Monster: Mythical Creature - Mythical Encyclopedia
Momo the Monster, also known as the Missouri Monster, is a mythical creature that has been the subject of numerous sightings and folklore in rural Louisiana, Missouri. The creature is believed to resemble an ape-like creature, similar to descriptions of Bigfoot.
Fifty Years Later, the Legend of Mo Mo Lives On - Missouri Life
On July 11, 1972, 15-year-old Doris Harrison watched her brothers, ages 5 and 8, play outside as she cleaned a bathroom sink. Startled by her brothers screaming, Doris looked out the window and saw a massive, hairy creature at the edge of the woods.
Momo: The Mysterious Ape-Like Creature of Missouri
Momo the Monster is one of the most intriguing and mysterious cryptids of America. Whether it is real or not, it has captured the imagination and curiosity of many people for decades. If you ever find yourself in Louisiana, Missouri, you might want to keep an eye out for this elusive creature.
The Missouri Monster ‘Momo’ Is the Cryptid Time Forgot - VICE
2019年9月30日 · Nearly 50 years after those initial Momo sightings, indie filmmaker Seth Breedlove has released his latest film, MOMO: The Missouri Monster. In the film, Breedlove weaves together a...
The Place-Fact or Fiction: Momo, the Missouri Monster - KY3
2022年3月10日 · Momo was a large bigfoot-like creature that supposedly terrorized the town of Louisiana, Missouri in the early 1970s.