MON-50 - Wikipedia
The MON-50 (Russian: МОН-50) is a Soviet rectangular, slightly convex, plastic bodied, directional type of anti-personnel mine designed to wound or kill by explosive fragmentation. It first entered service in 1965 and is a copy of the American M18 Claymore with a few differences.
MON50定向反步兵地雷 - 百度百科
MON50(俄文MOH50)定向反步兵地雷是一种破片型定向反步兵地雷,呈弯曲长方形,用绊线或类似手段起爆。 一般该雷被认为是美国M18A1定向雷的仿制品,在内部的破片矩阵方面有些变化。 MON50(俄文MOH50)定向反步兵地雷是一种破片型定向反步兵地雷,呈弯曲长方形,用绊线或类似手段起爆。 一般该雷被认为是美国M18A1定向雷的仿制品,在内部的破片矩阵方面有些变化。
Jan 21, 2017 · mon-50型反步兵雷是苏联研制的一种定向反步兵雷。 其主要目的是利用爆炸预制破片有效杀伤敌军人员,作用原理和美军的M-18阔剑反步兵雷相同,但两者有细小的差别。
Mon 50 landmine - CAT-UXO
This is the Russian MON-50 (MOH-50), a High-Explosive-Fragmentation (HE-Frag), claymore-shaped, plastic-bodied, Anti-Personnel (AP) directional landmine which is designed to wound …
Landmine, APERS, MON-50 - Bulletpicker
The MON-50 is a copy based upon the US M18A1 claymore mine designed by the former Soviet Union. The MON-50 has a plastic body with rows of imbedded fragments on the side facing the target. Two variants exist, one with 540 steel ball bearing fragments, and the other with 485 cylindrical chopped steel wire fragments.
Apr 7, 2023 · MON-50定向杀伤雷的重量大约为两公斤左右,长226毫米宽35毫米,高度约为155毫米。 对于无人机来说,这个重量和尺寸还是比较合适的。 从目前网络上流传的照片可以看到,俄罗斯将MON-50地雷固定在无人机身上,而且有一定角度的倾斜。 初步判断应该是无人机接近敌方集群目标之后在合适的高度以及距离之内通过电信号来引爆地雷。 从前面的数据可以知道,这种地雷爆炸之后形成的杀伤面积足够让一个小队的士兵丧失战斗力,这可比丢手榴弹威力大多了。 …
MON-50 Anti-Personnel (AP) Fragmentation Mine - Military Factory
Nov 28, 2022 · The MON-50 serves the Russian Army, and many other global operators, as an infantry-level Anti-Personnel (AP) mine. Its form and function is very reminiscent of the American M18 "Claymore" AP mine and both were developed during the Cold War period (1947-1991).
MON-50型反步兵雷是苏联研制的一种定向反步兵雷 - 搜狐
May 10, 2017 · mon-50型反步兵雷是苏联研制的一种定向反步兵雷. 图为mon-50型反步兵雷切开后的状态,雷体前部为700克黑索. 该型反步兵雷的雷体由塑料制成,下部有两个剪刀型支架。 顶部的视角。该型地雷通常使用pn手动引爆装置和 edp-r电子引爆装置,
mon-50 - 国内第一家破片杀伤雷,旨在摧毁敌人的人力。 它是由塑料制成的矩形棱柱。 它可以被用来杀死士兵在装甲车和其他轻装甲汽车工程。
Munition, mine, MON-50 | Fenix Insight
The MON-50 (МОН-50) is a Soviet-era-developed, Russian Federation, anti-personnel directional fragmentation (APDF) mine, which is similar to the US M18A1 'Claymore'. The upper part of the curved body of the MON-50 includes two detonator wells and a sighting aid.
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