[MAS]教你给莫妮卡送礼物[附礼物代码] - Doki Chinese Club
一般电脑是隐藏扩展名的,所以需要手动调出扩展名,这就会产生一种错误的操作方式:不显示扩展名,直接命名一个叫xxxx.gift的文本文件放入characters文件夹,这样莫妮卡不会读取你的礼物。 这样的操作,实际上是将一个叫xxxx.gift.txt的文件放入characters文件夹,这个文件本质上还是.txt文件,而非.gift文件,所以莫妮卡无法读取。 错误操作案例:在没有显示扩展名的情况下,命名一个叫roses.gift的文本文件放入characters文件夹中,可以看到文件“类型”一栏还是显示的“文 …
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How to give Monika chocolates, coffee and the quetzal?
2023年1月16日 · It turns out that in the game I wanted to give Monika the coffee, the chocolates or the quetzal, and I went to the official page of the mod and downloaded the Spritepacks. but there were no gifts like the ones I mentioned above.
How do i give Monika gifts? : r/MASFandom - Reddit
2022年6月21日 · First, go into the folder of whatever item you wanna give Monika, such as Finale’s green hoodie. inside there should be a “gift” file, and a folder called “mod_assets”. select the “mod_assets” folder (don’t open it, just select it) and copy it. Then go into your DDLC directory (the place that has “DDLC.exe” in it).
MAS Tutorials - Giving Monika Gifts! IN-DEPTH GUIDE
2020年5月15日 · There’s a few things you can give her this way, like some different ribbons for her hair, coffee, hot chocolate, the fabled promise ring, a cupcake, etc… In order to give her any of these things, you need to create a new text file, change it to the name of the item you want to give her, then relabel the .txt file extension to a .gift file ...
Monika after story gift list :: Doki Doki Literature Club General ...
2022年7月27日 · can someone send a list of all gifts for Monika, please? (v. 12.9)
Gifts to Monika : r/MASFandom - Reddit
2021年8月22日 · Then go into the characters folder and paste it, renaming it to the gift you want: coffee.gift , roses.gift , cupcake.gift , or quetzelplushie.gift (you only need to give the plushie once, everything else is daily and you need to rename then paste again if you want to give multiple gifts at once) It may take a few minutes for Moni to realize ...
Monika after story gifts for monika : r/DDLCMods - Reddit
2018年9月22日 · Only the worthy and noble can give their Monika's this ring. Be advised, Monika will NOT acknowledge some of the gifts. The birthday gifts are one of the things she will not acknowledge until her birthday (September 22).
All Features [SPOILERS] - Monika-After-Story/MonikaModDev …
Monika will pick a word at random, prompting you to enter your guesses on what letters comform the word. She will give you a hint on who'd like the word the most. top. Music. Change the BGM. Contains songs from the game's OST and fan-made remixes. The system also allows players to upload and play music themselves. top. Piano
MonkaW 是什么意思? Twitch 表情的起源和用法 - recmg.com
2022年6月18日 · MonkaW 是 Twitch 上常用的表情,旨在表达恐惧、担忧或担忧。 它是 BetterTTV 表情 MonkaS 的修改版本,放大了角色的脸部,进一步夸大了角色紧张的表情。 “Monka”脸有很多变体,但 MonkaW 非常受欢迎。 Twitch 用户可以通过下载来使用和查看表情 百得电视 一款在直播平台上广泛使用的第三方应用程序。 下面我们解释用户应该如何使用 MonkaW 面孔以及它是如何衍生的。 MonkaS 是为 BetterTTV 创建的,但很快在 Twitch 上普及,成为 …
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