MonkaS - Know Your Meme
MonkaS is a Twitch TV emote featuring an illustration of Pepe the Frog appearing frightened while sweating, which is typically used in Twitch chat during moments of high tension in video game matches to express anxiety.
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MonkaS meaning » What does monkaS mean? How to use it
Monkas (or MonkaS as it’s sometimes spelled) is a popular Twitch emote. It is probably one of the most used emotes on the entire platform, so you can find it all over the place. It pops up on gaming streams, IRL streamers, pretty much anywhere and from any streamer in …
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MonkaS Meaning & Origin - Twitch Emote Explained
2022年2月9日 · MonkaS is a BTTV and a FrankerFaceZ emote that is often used in Twitch chat when the streamer is going through intense or stressful gameplay moments. It is often spammed to express anxiety when the streamer is upset or worried. Released: 2016 (Popularized in February 2017 on Reddit) What is the MonkaS Emote?
What is the Meaning of monkaS? Where Did it Originate?
2021年2月12日 · MonkaS is a popular Pepe the Frog meme emote which gained a lot of popularity on Twitch, Twitter, and Reddit after originating on 4chan in 2011. monkaS shows a wide-eyed Pepe with beads of sweat on his head and the emote is typically used in Twitch chat during moments of high tension in video game matches to express anxiety, confusion, or fear. ...
Why are emotes like monkaS and monkaW named like that?
The original emote was submitted by MonkaSenpai, which is why it followed the typical Twitch formatting of lower case username prefix followed by capitalized suffix instead of your generic FeelsXMan format. Also the S in monkaS stands for Scared, not the Senpai part of MonkaSenpai. The W version is just zoomed into the face like sodaW or nymnW.
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Monika | Cozy Stickers (@by.monka). Yep, me too 😊.