Monocercomonoides - Wikipedia
Monocercomonoides is a genus of flagellate Excavata belonging to the order Oxymonadida. It was established by Bernard V. Travis and was first described as those with "polymastiginid flagellates having three anterior flagella and a trailing one originating at a single basal granule located in front of the anteriorly positioned nucleus , and a ...
First eukaryotes found without a normal cellular power supply
2016年5月12日 · For the new study, a team led by evolutionary biologist Anna Karnkowska, a postdoc, and her adviser, Vladimir Hampl, of Charles University in Prague, checked another candidate, a species in the genus Monocercomonoides. The single-celled organism came from the guts of a chinchilla that belonged to one of the lab members.
A Eukaryote without a Mitochondrial Organelle - ScienceDirect
2016年5月23日 · The presence of mitochondria and related organelles in every studied eukaryote supports the view that mitochondria are essential cellular components. Here, we report the genome sequence of a microbial eukaryote, the oxymonad Monocercomonoides sp., which revealed that this organism lacks all hallmark mitochondrial proteins. Crucially, the ...
A Eukaryote without a Mitochondrial Organelle - Cell Press
Their genomic investigation of the anaerobic microbial eukaryote Monocercomonoides sp. reveals a complete lack of mitochondrial organelle and functions including Fe-S cluster synthesis, which is carried out in the cytosol by a laterally acquired bacterial pathway.
Monocercomonoides | oxymonad | Britannica
…lack mitochondria is the oxymonad Monocercomonoides species. Mitochondria are unlike other cellular organelles in that they have two distinct membranes and a unique genome and reproduce by binary fission; these features indicate that mitochondria share an evolutionary past with prokaryotes (single-celled organisms).
Molecular and Morphological Diversity of the Oxymonad Genera ...
2018年11月1日 · Monocercomonoides comprises small oxymonads with cells less than 20 μm in length. They likely exhibit the ancestral oxymonad morphology because their cytoskeleton organization is closest to that of Trimastix and Paratrimastix (Simpson et al., 2002, Zhang et al., 2015). Four flagella are arranged in two pairs separated by a preaxostyle.
Mitochondrial Evolution: Going, Going, Gone - ScienceDirect
2016年5月23日 · Monocercomonoides is the first example of a eukaryote lacking even the most reduced form of a mitochondrion-related organelle. This has important implications for cellular processes and our understanding of reductive mitochondrial evolution across the eukaryotic tree of …
Molecular and Morphological Diversity of the Oxymonad Genera ...
The larger clade is considered genus Monocercomonoides and the isolates belonging here were classified into three new species (including the first potentially free-living species), two previously described species, and three unclassified lineages. The smaller clade, here described as Blattamonas gen. nov., consists of three newly described species.
Monocercomonoides - Wikispecies - species.wikimedia.org
A discussion of synonymy in nomenclature of certain insect flagellates, with description of a new flagellate from the larvae of Ligyrodes relictus Say (Coleoptera, Scarabeidae). Iowa State College Journal of Science 6 (2): 317–323. PDF (issue) Reference page.
The Oxymonad Genome Displays Canonical Eukaryotic Complexity …
Monocercomonoides exilis encodes a conventional set of tubulins that is similar to those found in other metamonad organisms. All metamonads analyzed contain at least one complete gene for alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta-, and epsilon-tubulin.
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