100 Years of Montgomery Clift - the Data Lounge
2020年10月18日 · By the time he died in 1966, he was a diminished man. He was uninsurable, nobody would hire him, and many of his friends abandoned him. The passage of time has further dimmed his legacy. His rival, Marlon Brando, and his successor, James Dean, are still remembered and hailed as great actors, but Montgomery Clift is nearly forgotten.
Montgomery Clift - the Data Lounge
2019年11月3日 · Montgomery Clift and the Patricia Bosworth biography. Offsite Link. by Anonymous: reply 7: September 27 ...
The Curious case of Liz Taylor and Montgomery Clift's friendship
2021年11月4日 · She was in Rome completing filming of "Doctor Faustus". The day after Clift died, Taylor stated to the press: "I am so shocked I can barely accept it. I loved him. He was my dearest friend. He was my brother." She phoned Clift's last lover, Lorenzo, and one of his doctors. Crew on the set of "Doctor Faustus" said she was constantly weeping ...
Montgomery Clift's face in "Raintree County" - the Data Lounge
2023年7月29日 · Montgomery Clift's face in "Raintree County" Can you tell the scenes he made before and after the horrific car accident? I think the hair is a giveaway, as it looks like a partial toupee'.
I Confess! Monty You Could Have Gone Beyond Marlon - the Data …
2023年1月22日 · Clift didn't connect with other actors as a character. He interacted as himself, or with a layer of ...
Happy heavenly 101st to gay martyr Montgomery Clift - the Data …
2021年10月17日 · Monty Clift was a protege of Alfred Lunt and Lynne Fontanne and spent 10 years honing his craft on the New York stage. He then joined the Actors Studio under the tutelage of Robert Lewis and Elia Kazan, then with Lee Strasberg after Lewis departed. Clift, however, became frustrated with Strasberg and left the Actors Studio.
Montgomery Clift - the Data Lounge
2018年11月2日 · From Monty: A Biography of Montgomery Clift - 1977Elizabeth Taylor, at seventeen, reacted to Monty just like millions of other girls her own age. Like them, she longed for a benign sexual involvement ...
Datalounge Thanksgiving Lonely Hearts
2023年11月4日 · Now, I love my peace and quiet. If I cannot eat in a restaurant (like this year) then I make a kind of crappy meal of Stove Top Stuffing, turkey slices and mashed potatoes from Gelsons Market and watch holidays movies on TV. If the weather is very nice I will take a long walk and look at the Christmas decorations. Ahhhh, peace is wonderful.
Fellow Travelers will premiere October 27 - the Data Lounge
2023年8月17日 · I expect the gay crossover hit of the season to be All of Us Strangers (I predict a Best Picture nod, and a longer shot but both actors getting nods) because it does deliver what the non-gay audience will accept from gay movies. Soft lighting, Mescal’s big facing leaning in to kiss Andrew, both actors having very soft features.
DL Waiters = Rate Best & Worst Celebrities You've Waited On
2022年5月8日 · R11, it is just so dumb and clearly a huge lie. For instance: Natasha Richardson told Mia Farrow and Stephen Sondheim her mother really won the Academy Award, not Marisa Tomei, and said the Academy gave Vanessa the Oscar and swore her to secrecy.