Mood with MoDAF COURSE
A 3-day course that covers the key concepts of Mood in the MoDAF framework and brings delegates up to a basic modelling standard. Overview. MooD is a COTS product that has been chosen by a range of enterprises to support Systems Engineering and Enterprise Architecture activities. Pre-requisites. None. Scope
[Withdrawn] MOD Architecture Framework - GOV.UK
2012年12月12日 · The MOD Architecture Framework (MODAF) meta model (M3) is the information model for MODAF, defining the structure of the underlying architectural information that is...
MODAF - Wikipedia
MODAF was an internationally recognised enterprise architecture framework developed by the MOD to support Defence planning and change management activities.
DODAF、MODAF和UAF建模与相关工具链) - 火龙果软件工程
可以在多维工程模型库中建立 dodaf 、 modaf 、 uaf 模型,并实现多个模型的关联。 管理者可以对模型进行评审,然后发布模型,把体系架构模型作为一种资源,服务于相应业务分析、系统建设和人员培养。
解读英国国防部体系结构框架MoDAF1.2 - 百度文库
【摘 要】介绍了体系结构的发展过程,详细叙述了英国国防部体系结构框架MoDAF1.2的七个视角及其视图组成;分析了MoDAF中战略、作战和系统三个层面的层次关系及各层组成要素之间的相互联系;对比了MODAF1.2与美国国防部体系结构框架DoDAF1.5的相同点与差异;指出了体系结构框架在网络化作战能力建设过程中的地位和作用,并对未来国际体系结构的发展提出了启示. 在MoDAF内增加战略视角的另一个理由是国防部转型方案(如网络保证能力NEC,后勤改革)的重要性日益 …
MODAF is based on the DoDAF version 1 baseline, and this section summarises the main distinctions between MODAF – as represented by the MODAF Meta Model (M3) – and the current version of...
MODAF - 百度百科
MooD - Staun & Stender
We are proud partners of MooD, a powerful low-code platform for rapid architecture and web development, developed by CACI UK Ltd. MooD stands out by combining three key strengths: Flexible Information Modelling – Supports fully customisable metamodels, adaptable to frameworks such as MODAF, DODAF, ArchiMate, BPMN, TOGAF, C4, and IT-Landscape ...
MODAF指南 - lib.uml.com.cn
国防部架构框架 (MODAF) 是由国防部 (MOD) 开发的国际公认的企业架构框架,用于支持国防规划和变革管理活动。 它通过以严谨、连贯和全面的方式捕获和呈现信息来做到这一点,这有助于理解复杂的问题。 本指南适用于对 MODAF 感兴趣的任何人。 这些受众包括: 1. 全局视点. 2. 战略视点. 3. 操作视点.
MODAF architectures are developed as coherent, contiguous models that when viewed as a whole present a complete picture of the enterprise. MODAF defines a rich selection of relationships which...